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Jaheeds girl. we made out once dont tell Jaheed

Mollie Jaheed girl

by hkdk March 3, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


She's the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She's beautiful kind generous smart funny friendly a brilliant hugger and spook much more. I love my Mollie so much I could cry. She means everything to me if you ever find a Mollie make sure you treat her with love and respect I love you Mollie xx

Boy 1: wow dude I just met the kindest girl ever and she was so smart and gorgeous

Boy 2: she must be a Mollie

by AlexSapphire December 30, 2019

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Mollie has a rare beauty with usually dark brown hair. She has a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh, she has a great smile and great beauty but she does not see it herself. She likes books and music and is fashionable. She isn't really popular but everyone knows her and she is mostly well liked. She has a lot of friends and is very friendly. She has a very nice smile and if you meet her, don't let go of her.

"I think I just met a Mollie." "What a Mollie."

by TrueNamesDefinitions March 17, 2023


the most beautiful girl you will ever meet but she doesn't know it. she has an the best laugh, impeccable music talents, but also very humble. she refuses to believe any compliments that she receives. no matter what you should never hurt her cause she will always be there for you when you need her and even just looking at her can brighten up your day and on top of all that she is also the sweetest girl ever.

Gerard: wow! she's so pretty. who is that?

George Washington: probably a Mollie

by butlikewhy? May 18, 2021


A girl who is bright a times but has
her stupid moments.
Despite their beauty they always go for
ugly, fat boyfriends who are total dicks.

Jack: did you see that girl?

Tom: yeah, shes a typical mollie!

by YourAmazingFriend October 5, 2011

56πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


Mollie's are usually quite pretty but wear oversized clothing and have messy hair to try and not show it. They aren't the brightest girls ever but they use their manipulation skills to get what they want. Mollie's use small problems to create a big scene and use issues from the past to get attention and what they want from others. Mollie's are clingy and annoy their boyfriends quite quickly. They like to stick to one friend and that's it.

Guy 1: Mollie, I'm sorry, We're breaking up
Mollie: But my Mum is in hospital and now the love of m life is breaking up with me! I can't believe this! *cries*
Guy 1: Okay we're not breaking up, I'm sorry

by @nonymous_;) August 22, 2020

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


mollie is always a fat whore.

Craig: β€œwoah look at mollie, she’s a fat whore”

by daddythonglegs March 9, 2019

12πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž