Where anybody can be anything but a real gang banger mp highschool has a bunch of those. Some of them smoke weed or do crack and say their apart of a gang. They were red all the time or blue it depends on how they feel but one big gang is called BBS or big bamboozle shii.
Ex: “ I can’t take mount pleasant high school gang members serious” said by one of the students attending this bullshit ass school
1👍 2👎
After already winning an award for whitest school in existence, Mount Everett also takes first place for home to the biggest pussies in Massachusetts. Careful, you might find kids at your feet begging for nic. The building is kind of cute in a lesbian cottage-core way though. Don’t even mention the condition of the track…
Friend 1: “Hey do you go to Mount Everett Regional High School?”
Friend 2: “ Fuck no dude, I’m not a virgin. But I did sell one of the freshman a dispo for $35”
A school in Wilmington DE, known as “mount pregnant” because every girl there is a hoe. People think they’re hot shit there, but their sports teams are by far the best. Dont fuck with some people who go there, you dont know what you will get yourself into there.
Do you go to Mount Pleasant High School ?
Yeah, why?
You must be pregnant!!!!!
Everyone wants to be a natural blonde and the year 7s have already skipped half the year
Mount view high school 😟
where all the kids who think they “bad” smoke and fight and claim they get all the hoes. also where marching band is always wildin, and where tiger dolls get their sex tapes leaked and get kicked off for drinking on trips. this high school is in northeast texas and is home to crackheads and druggies, but also students filled with tiger pride !
mount pleasant high school - texas is in a small town with nothing to do.
a place where a dude ate a bees nest (see reviews for Mount Gambier High School for context)
Person 1: What high school do you go to?
Person 2: Mount Gambier High School
Person 1: L
Mount Rainier High School is a school located in Bum Fuck, Washington, which is also known as des moines MRHS is the worst school, the football team sucks ass can't win the homecoming game headass the volley ball team aint shit only reason why people go is to see ass and most of the sports just be boring, the school it self is biggest clown in Washington most of the teachers are more attractive, than most kids in the school, just like the school all the students are clowns, you got a whole bunch of people, fake gangsters the 6'2 white boys with 2 inch dicks and that one nigga wearing fake louis vuitton shit you got the nerd bitches who lose there virginity at the age never, the stoner niggas who the only good heads here cuz they set off the fire alarm getting us outta class and the annoying ass gay kids who be shoving the dumbass bullshit down our throats frfr the girls at mount so flat that all the boys got a porn addiction but all the boys deadass think they the shit for walking with the black forces the dumb ass student store only serves pizza cuz thats what everyone wants @all the pigs at the school that have more fat rolls then ass , assemblies sound like if travis scott tried to rap porn the dances are shit cuz mount cant do shit right they try to be family friendly when they know the school full of hoes and bitch niggas
mount rainier is a whole ass circus this made by kennedy gang cuz we aint no bitch niggas
1: u go to mount rainier high school?
2:that one school that filled with hoes n thirsty ass bitches
1: yeah that one
2: hell nah i aint no bitch in the circus that breaks vending machines and wears fake gucci slides