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12 year olds in year 7 acting tough with there Carreras, tracksuits always have there manbag, 97’s, vapourmaxes all types of Nike shoes and drink energy drinks thinking they are hard. Occasionally nicking a drink or two.

Mustafa is such a pedophile fam

by Bobbysmith771k June 10, 2020


the only cool somalian i know and the biggest playafromthehymilaya ever

I wish i could get done like mustafa does with all those shorties

by Beneric December 4, 2004

61πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


ugly piece of shit who can’t treat anyone right. a weirdo and creep who talks about girls bodies and asks for nudes from girls younger than him. He tries disguise it by being falsely religious. Hes a dick who plays with girls too much. He will clearly like you for a while, ghost you and come back a couple months later. He uses religion as an excuse for everything when he’s not even religious. He’s very influenced by his equally corrupt friends

β€œOh this guy a year older

than me just asked me for nudes” β€œoh that guy is a total MUSTAFA”

by #1harrystylesfanilovegreen February 21, 2023

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An Arab dude who likes to smoke hookah, drive cars and playing doctor.

WOW. You're a real Mustafa
Wana smash?πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ‘ˆπŸ’¦πŸ˜

by I69Anime March 20, 2018

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a dike that likes big loop da loops

Yo mustafa wuts happening


by potato451 February 20, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


how everyone I know refers to a female mustache.

Plural: Amish are okay, but the women always have mustafii.


Singular: Stacy has a mustafa.

by Tom Barstow July 12, 2005

38πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


Gay ass nigga who sucks horse cock. Laughs like a hentai character who is getting fucked in the ass. He loves penis.

Well it’s Mustafa getting fucked in the ass.

by Yusufthecockmonster May 13, 2020

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž