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my baby momma

Derisive name for the ho that mothered your child when you have no intention of ever making an honest woman out of her.

Man, I'm too drunk to drive home tonight, I better call up my baby momma fo' a ride.

by vito90 April 30, 2003

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My Baby Tamar

Shes tha Love Of Jasmine's Life!
Shes also tha Bomb Broo!
Shes tha Cookie To My Milk!
Tamar is tha blunt Jasmine Gets High Off!

My Baby Tamar Is Jasmine's Everything!
I love her so much!<3

by Jasminey! February 5, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

That's not my baby to rock

when a situation arises that is not your problem to address or remedy

Friend 1: (late at night) Tito just got dumped and needs a place to stay for a few nights.

Friend 2: That's not my baby to rock. Sucka.


G/F: I didn't cum
B/F: That's not my baby to rock.

by Red Mongoose February 20, 2011


aiden is the type of guy you will randomly meet on a random app but fall in love with. aiden is so sweet, funny, kind, generous, caring, loving and an amazing boyfriend. aiden is the best person you will ever meet so never get rid of him + he’s got a big big big dick 🌷🀍

aiden my baby is coming over

by your girl z May 26, 2023

my baby daddy

I can't remember the name of that thug I gave it up too and now I have a childless father.

Also, I have little respect for myself and even less for the poor little child I irresponsible brought into this world and doomed to poverty.

Yo I don't know who's my baby daddy!

by the voice of reason April 25, 2003

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Kaylin my baby

Kaylin is my baby

You dare hurt her and I'll chop off your pp

Jay : Kaylin my baby! you're an angel!

by Jayloveskaylinsomuch September 24, 2020

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My Baby Goose

A Beautiful woman with a loving heart. Her beauty is pure and her heart is benevolent. She doesn’t admit she is beautiful, but if someone were to stare long enough, they would indeed fall in love with her gorgeous eyes, and sexy smile. She has curves that would make a holy man want to stray from his vows. When she looks at you your heart skips a beat. When she says your name its as if angels sing. When she touches you there is this feeling of falling that over comes you. When she kisses you, your stomach has a fluttering urge to lift off. When she makes love with you, no one else in the world exists; just you and her. For a split second of extreme nirvana your souls become one. When she says, "I love you", you're over whelmed with a warm numbness that feels like the sun exploding inside of you. Her heart is filled with rays of light, that she isn't afraid to show the world. She saves the rays of light for those who really count; her loved ones. She is willing to bend over backwards, just to see you smile. She allows herself to be completely open to the one person she calls her soul mate. She loves him unconditionally and will do anything for him. She brings happiness onto him; he never thought he could be as happy as he is with her. She is my heart. She is the one I will call the mother of my children. The one who will bring down the walls that surround me. She is the one who will save me. She is my soul mate, my happiness, my love. She is Lauren M. Simons; my baby goose.

You're the love of my life; you're my soul mate; I love you with all my heart Lauren, and that will never change.
I cant wait to start my life with you, my baby goose.

by Lewellen April 11, 2011

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