Source Code

Mystic Messenger

A hellhole

"I stay up at night playing Mystic Messenger"
"Help them"

by ilovelancemcclain June 28, 2017

316๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mystic Messenger

An endless void that sucks away your family, friends and eating habbits. But who cares? You have the R.F.A. now. And you can't stop thinking about how your wedding dress would look in zero-gravity.

"She plays Mystic Messenger by the way."
"Oh good Lord send help. We need some Honey Budda Chips and PhD. Pepper stat!"

by Lizzikitti21 June 30, 2019

134๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

mystic mungis

A sacred and most powerful force that has been the subject of both obsession and consternation for those seeking to obtain it. While much is still unknown about the mystic mungis, one certainty is its power to defeat the notorious Frogs form of Sephiroth, an attribute that many have gleaned as the reasoning behind the use of cybernetic turtles from the future in the quest for its acquisition.

I summon the power of the Mystic Mungis!

by Dr. Prof. Expert November 30, 2016

144๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

the mystic star

when five guys line up in a star formation with one girl in the middle. the five guys take turns blowing their loads on her face.

hey do you want to come back to our place and make the mystic star??

we completely pulled the mystic star on that girl last night!

by Mr. Mystical October 22, 2009

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Mystic Messenger

A game that makes your girlfriend ignore you and fantasize about someone your not

Her playing mystic messenger: omg look at his eyes and hair their so perfect

by Weebsaretrash89 April 28, 2019

62๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mystic Toilet

Mystic Toilet is an informal and, occasionally, affectionate nickname used by the Guild Wars 2 community to descibe the Mystic Forge. The etymology of the name should be self-explanatory: Using the Forge generally feels like throwing money down the drain.

I've put 800 exotic Greatswords in the Mystic Toilet. Still no Dawn or Dusk.

by Aendaeron Bluescale November 24, 2013

The Mystic Pony

Slang term for doing meth.

Me: "Hey Dave. Are you riding the mystic pony?"

by sscheib February 18, 2011