Hot, sexy, chaotic girl who always busy with her own problems.
Probably overthinking at home.
At first she is pretty shy, but when she finally feels safe in her environment, she is a real extrovert.
Always confused, but is one of the sweetest creatures on earth, who’s loyal and loving.
You can trust her with your heart, but she will always put her own happiness first, after learning that she comes first in her own life. She’s probably also kind of self-centered, and adventurous. She is the kind of girl you wanna marry.
1:“Whoa look at that sexy Girl!”
2: “she looks confused too, must be a Nanna-Sophie!”
Fat or swollen foot where one's finger may press and leave semi-permanent indent! (medical name = Pitting Oedema).
Generally caused by running in flip flops with heavy shopping bags and causing internal foot injury that cannot be healed. Nanna foot likes to swell in the heat and when heels are too high. Also doesn't like alcohol and adds to a nasty hangover.
When Nanna Foot gets nasty, the swelling can reach the lower leg and appear much like its sister, Elephantitis minor.
A grandparent that spoils children. An enabler of children.
That is a Nanna over there, those kids are on a sugar high.