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Jaehyun from NCT's cousin.

"Nara, my cousin kisses me, I smile at her"

by SwaGPotatoForever November 21, 2021


A girl sensitive to sunshine of other wallflowers. Absolutely stunning. A good friend of my own. A nice girl going ("well") "bad".

Nara is the prettiest girl I've ever met, right Leonardo?

by Naranouir December 7, 2022


The act of grooming minors on discord whilst trying to defend your actions

Discord user 1: That guy is doing a nara!
Discord user 2: what a weirdo...

by Osama Yeezys January 15, 2021


nara is slang for racist and gay, very easy to use,

Guy 1:you are so fucking nara
guy 2: hahaha i hate black people and i like MEN

by BananaBoat MC February 21, 2022


A thiccc girl

Dang she thiCC

Nah bro she nara

by Thiccc boi December 10, 2017


A girl who does not have a lot of hair, smells disgusting and overall looks unhygienic. She talks shit about everyone, including her best friends but does not feel the need to say anything if you confront her about it.

She thinks she is physically attractive and can therefore judge other people based on their appearence and personality even tho she looks like an rotten apple. Most Naras act like 13 year old fake depressed kids on tumblr even tho they have passed the age of 13 already. Naras generally do not have a sense for limits or respectful behavior, they will blame others for everything that goes wrong in their life.

"Today hannah complained about failling physics even tho she does nothing during the lesson or at home to improve her grades, she even got into a fight with the teacher"
"Omg she is acting like a Nara"

by Moroli November 25, 2019

1👍 10👎


nara is the fakest fiend dont trust here she willm betray you she is not a sweet heart

is that nara you were talking about she is soo fake ughh i wish she never cam to this school!!

by thebestcoco125 January 28, 2024