Popular manga and t.v. show in Japan done by Masashi Kishimoto.It stars Naruto and his classmates, Sasuke and Sakura and their sensei, Kakashi.When Naruto was born the 4th hokage seeled a demon inside Naruto's body.He is now 12-years old and boy does he love to eat ramen!
"All the people who used to treat me like dirt will have to say he's the number one ninja"!
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Naruto is a Japanese anime/manga series by Masashi Kishimoto, about the struggle of a boy to become the best ninja. It is also a series that exemplifies why much of this genre is for kids:
a. Kids running amok without parental supervision are responsible for restoring world peace
b. An average kid can become the best by luck (which crosses with c and d)
c. An average kid can suddenly wake up to the value of hard work and surpass everyone who has worked harder for many years
d. Consistent grudge against/negative portryal of prodigies
e. Good guys survive all adversity because they are defined as good guys
f. Violence is noble in the name of righteousness (which crosses with g and h)
g. Physical strength is the panacea for all evils of the world
h. A powerful secret organization/entity/community is responsible for all the evils of the world
Even though it tries hard to pass itself as sophisticated by adding gratuitous violence, foul language, and other objectionable themes, the series, by the aforementioned limitations and many more, is still best classified as kids entertainment.
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A stupid ninja that makes ninjas look like complete idiots by wearing orange.(What kind of stupid ninja wears orange where everyone can see him/her/it??)
He also sucks at everything, and eats Ramen because his parents got raped by a fox and he cant afford anything else now.
Naruto dreams of being a kage of Ho's. Hence, Hokage.
He also fantasizes of having sex with a pointy haired male ninja named Sasuke.
Hi I'm Naruto. I want to suck Sasuke's cock because it has pointy hair on it. cockjoke etc.
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An anime for young children. Very emotional and sad, Naruto shows a very wide variety of characters and appeal to a lot of people, grown ups and kids alike. However, many consider the show to be a drag-on. There are too many episodes to finish and is not recommended to people who want short and simple anime.
Hey, Nick! You want to come over to watch Naruto at nine?
32๐ 19๐
A very "troublesome" anime series that never ends and that has cheesy fillers.
The author doesn't seem to be able to advance the manga either and he seems to use a lot of men that looks like women and emos that hangs themselves.
In other word:
A very loooooooooooong, unecessary to watch fillers, anime...
Boy: Hey, dude...
Other Boy: What?
Boy: Have you seen episode 23182789432 of Naruto recently?
Other Boy: No, what's up?
Boy: Nothing much, crappy laggy battles and screaming...
Other Boy: ah...
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An extremely over-rated anime about wanna-be ninjas going to a ninja accademy. It is mostly watched by 13 year olds who think they are watching "real anime". Sure, it's a anime...a really , really shitty anime, though. Real ninjas don't wear ORANGE. The animation style is pure shit and it takes at least 3 episodes to finish a fight. Watch a better anime like Ninja Scroll. Naruto just sucks...period.
13-year old: "OMFG, I watched Naruto last night! It's the best anime ever!!"
Otaku: "...die."
574๐ 464๐
An anime/mamga about a bunch of wannabe little brats playing ninja. Filled with mary sues, kids who never quit dreaming dreams, insane emo kids out for vengenace, and stupid obsessive fan-girly characters. Full of fillers, stupid plots, and a series that drags on pretty much forever.
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