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Being only attracted to Natalie Portman and nobody else.

After watching Black Swan I decided that Iā€™m Natalie-Portman-sexual

by ChodeFilA June 6, 2022

Doing the Natalie Portman

The act of masturbation, typically female. A reference to the recent movie Black Swan, in which the plot pretty much revolved around Natalie Portman's masturbatory habits.

Karen: Katie sure has been in her room for a long time.
Liz: She's probably doing the Natalie Portman.
Karen: Oh, that probably explains why she took that underwear catalogue.

by tccsn11 June 25, 2011

2šŸ‘ 5šŸ‘Ž

natalie portman

A date where only the guy considers or considered it a date.

Dude, I totally thought I was gonna get some last night, but she really did just want to exchange vegan recipes--turns out it wasn't a date, just a natalie portman.

by Solanas69 June 4, 2019