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True Niggaz do niggaz

According to gizzogle.com, true guys fuck other guys.

Slash, yaoi, Fanfiction.

by Nique March 23, 2005

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bitch niggaz

"3. bitch niggaz

the people who post on urban dictionary

don't try and deny it
Source: i want ur mom, Aug 12, 2004"

ok, so you are telling us your a bitch nigga? dumbass

by St.louisStuntin' October 9, 2004

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Ground Niggaz

People of any race who hate the way you are becoming richer/more successful/popular. These people will start rumors about you, try to keep you down with them and try to destroy your hard earnings any way they can.

Jack- "hey dude those haters are calling you, aren't you going to go see what they want?"
Johnny- "hell naw, them ground niggaz got nothing for me!"

by Young Jaii Hussle April 30, 2011

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Hood Niggaz 2.0

An illicit facebook group, something like the black market, where all members post stuff from sports to jokes, abusing bitches, beating bitches, talking about molesting bitches, using hardcore drugs, guns, degrading bitches, fighting, birdwatching, and anything else that seems fit. Although to some it may seem rather disturbing. to all the members everything posted in here is "hood". therefor the group has the hoodest of the hood niggaz. FWM!!!!

example 1:

Steve-o- you shoulda seen it last nite dawg that bitch aint act rite so i beat dat hoe face in str8 up.

random person- post it in hood niggaz 2.0 son

example 2:

drouant- holy shit i just took 3 methadome, 4 xanax, 5 roxys, LSD, 2 blunts of purp, shroom tea, 3 somas, and 6 bars. I feel tight as fuck.

random person- post it in hood niggaz 2.0

example 3:
Clyde James- im feeling extra fat bald and ugly today...

random person- you better not tell anyone in hood niggaz 2.0 or that nigga D ryen will kill the fuck outa u son.

by lets get it August 18, 2011

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Brushing Niggaz Teef(Teeth)

Getting multiple kills in a Call of Duty game on XBox Live.

Yo, I came to Brush Niggaz Teef son!

Q:Whatcha gonna do tonite?

A:Not much, just Brushing Niggaz Teef(Teeth).

by AW89 November 20, 2010

niggaz in da Pointe aint changed

Meaning aint shit changed. All that was before is still the same. The earliest usage of this term was by Big Boi in the Oukast song "West Savannah," written in 1993.

"Im down to stick a hoe if she got a G-Strang cuz the niggaz in da Pointe aint changed"

by til the kaskit drop October 3, 2009

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nigga [niggaz] [nigger] [niggah] [niger] [niglet] [nigg`a]

nigger / nigga / niggah & etc.

1: A well-known very offensive term, used by non-blacks for decrimination & their hatred & chauvinist thoughts. The speaker is regarded as a racist. Nowadays ban on TV & radio and most of the official channels and oftenly reffered as the n-word. Also because of the ban on it, it created a fear among people for this word to be spoken.
* It is an equal to the terms used against whites for racism, like 'red necks' 'white trash' & ' crakers' etc.

2: Used among friends to show a close bond or an affection of their relation. This term is oftenly used by African-Americans and is not only restricted to them. However, if used by non-blacks before black then it is believed to be an act of racism.
* To an extent it can be presumed as an equal to the term brother (oftenly used by the well-know WWE legend Hulk Hogan).

3: An aimless stroller or a wanderer.

4: People who migrated from Nigeria to other parts of the world.

5: A person who is negligent to the whole world.
* It can be believed as an equal to the term 'blonde moment'.

6: Uneducated, bad, poor, good-for-nothing, lazy, addict gangster (gangsta) or a criminal.

The terms '*' or 'n-word' can be replaced by the words below.
nigga niggaz nigger niggah niger niglet nigg`a

1: I use to like this place but since there are too many 'n-word' here, I am not sure if I am going to stay here for long. (Purely racist)

2: Hey **gga whazz da crack?!!

3: Whtch ya up to **gga huh! going to the nowhere land loser!

4: Hey the shipment of that **ger got looted on the way, poor guy!

5: This guy is a total **ggah, he doesn't care for anyone not even his own parents!

6: Trust me you don't wanna go to prison it's a place for **ggaz.

by _n!(k_ December 15, 2007

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