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Nimble Scrumpings

An adjective used selectively to descirbe what is leftover in a mans testicles after ejaculation.

Guy; How did your first date go man?

Fella; So well mate! I got nimble scrumpings this morning!

by Sir Cudugan August 10, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nimble Frat

A insult to one or a other

Your such a nimble frat.

by Panda123o19 July 2, 2022

Wimbly Nimbly

1. adj.- of or relating to when a member of the female species cannot coherently make a rationalized, realistic decision pertaining to her personal relationships

2. adj.- flip-floppy; uncertain

3. adj.- of or relating to the female species as a whole

Dude, she got all wimbly nimbly on me last night when I pulled out the videocamera, a stethoscope, and a box of rubber gloves.

by Jeremy Payne February 8, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


From the movie Super Troopers, used to describe a cat's agile movement.

Tony T says,"Yo cat, what you doin' trippin the fandango so nimbly-bimbly like?"

by Germ the Germy Germinator November 26, 2003

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of great grace and speed: often used with a good take off and landing.

see bob over there, his moves are mad nimbly-bimbly, he must get a perfect 10 from the judges

by god of all things bimbly May 12, 2004

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Nimble Gimble

A game which is enjoyed by children of all ages especially by children in large families. It involves a pink littletikes bike that is pushed around. Featured on BOOM.

The beigel family is obbsessed with nimble gimble.

by C. Beigel October 2, 2011

Nimbly Next

A creative agency,

that helps businesses to grow online.

Their social media page comprises of valuable content, marketing tips and sometimes crazy memes.

Nimbly next is a go-to marketing agency for business of all sizes.

by everyone-out-there November 28, 2021