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(adj) - when someone is so much of a hipster that the sight of them makes one laugh histerically.

That guy's such a hipster, it's hipsterical!

by speed racist July 10, 2009

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


describing someone who is as self-important as the emo, but with self-declared superior taste in fashion, music, and art. Where the emo's primary identifying feature was self-deprecation, emotional instability and general public hatred, the Hipster identifies with being so far head the rest of general society in terms of "indie-ness" and aesthetic that they take being misunderstood and overlooked as a compliment - because the masses of pop-culture whores don't get it anyway.

Hipster: "I'm so indie, I listen to bands that don't exist yet."

by exalen October 14, 2009

1851πŸ‘ 679πŸ‘Ž


Snobby group of gross men and women who think its cool to read and wear old shit. Often listen no indie music so they can seem less mainstream and therefore more hipster to other hipsters. Mainstream ideas and products are shunned by hipsters, iphones being an exception. They show great disdain for anyone who is "mainstream" which really means anyone who doesnt like their crappy music or their shabby looking clothes and bad hair. Any person with half a brain will realize that the only thing seperating a hipster from hobo is an iPhone and taste for bad music.

Normal guy: dude, why do they let that smelly hobo in the coffee shop?
Normal guy 2: idk... Wait! Check the iPhone! Totally a hipster! .. Gross
Normal guy: Even worse! Why would they let a hipster in here! At least hobos realize it's not cool to look the way they do!

by Hipsterhater February 13, 2012

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A hipster is someone who is smart enough to talk about philosophy, music, politics, art, etc. with you all day long, but not smart enough to see how big of a tool s/he is. The only sure fire way to tell if someone you're talking to is, in fact, a hipster is to ask them "are you a hipster?". If they respond no, and turn their casette player back on, you can be sure you're dealing with a hipster.

Person 1: I met this really smart girl with a goofy haircut, but I think she has asperger's.

Person 2: She's probably just a hipster.

by haditonvinyl October 13, 2010

9764πŸ‘ 3810πŸ‘Ž


Usually can be identified by skinny jeans, Tom's shoes, the 'ironic' t-shirt, thick rimmed glasses....They deny being hipsters of course, insisting that they 'don't believe in labels'. They insist on eating organic food, yet they all smoke (the approved hipster brands of cigarettes being Camel Lights, Parliament Lights, & if they're really extra pretentious, then American spirits). They claim to be very open minded & non-judgemental, yet only seem to date, hang out with, befriend, or associate with people that dress like them,like the same music, talk the same, walk the same, etc. They all like to pretend they have some kind of talent when it comes to art, & enjoy watching 'films' instead of movies (the more artsy-fartsy & less sense it makes, the better). They even all eat the same foods. Look in any hipsters basket next time you're at the store,& it'll always be greek yougart, hummus (or supplies to make hummus),some kind of organic, vegan snack that costs a zillion dollars a box, tastes like crap, yet they claim they 'can't live without!', & then some kind of 'ironic' cereal, like capt'n crunch or something like that.

Hipster #1-"I'll take a PBR"
Hipster #2-"I found the BEST brand of organic, cruelty-free, vegan turnip chips at Whole Foods-omg, I CRAVE those things!"
Hipster #3-"They're just too mainstream now-I liked them when no one else even knew about them"

by akPhilly March 17, 2013

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Someone who thinks their cool because they aren't "mainstream" but in reality have become mainstream by trying not to be mainstream. A paradox in and of itself.

Wow, he's so hipster... but wait so is she and him and him and her and........ THEIR ALL HIPSTER!

by DCY100 October 7, 2011

956πŸ‘ 352πŸ‘Ž


Someone who tries to look like they don’t give a damn what you think, while in secret desperately caring what you think.

What’s the point of hipsterism?
Well, everyone’s got to be better than SOMEBODY.

by Viola1 January 21, 2015