A single, loud shit taken in a public restroom. Often common in men's restrooms, and eschewed in women's.
i.e. I took a wicked noisy-boy in the restroom, but I wasn't the only one.
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Aussie slang for being noisy. It comes from the native Australian species called the Noisy Miner. It is known for it's loud call.
Mate, that bloke's being like a Noisy Miner.
When you are drunk and trying to be quiet. But you fail miserably.
I had a noisy quiet when I came home drunk last night. The bottom shelf in the fridge decided this was a perfect time to give out, awakening the entire house at 2am… when I was just trying to quietly get a glass of juice before bed…
When you’re trying to be stealth but end up making a racket.
Shit, went to the fridge to grab a drink and the rest of the cans shifted in the box. Noisy quiets goin’ get me busted!
When you’re trying to be stealth but end up making a racket.
Shit, went to the fridge to grab a drink and the rest of the cans shifted in the box. Noisy quiets goin’ get me busted!
You watch the quiet one reading the book/magazine, and I'll watch the noisy one with the gun that says he's going to shoot down anybody that isn't scared of him/her. Whether people think he's/she's a bitch or not, the loudest one will kill you dead to prove he's/she's not the bitch, and the scared one will be the one to shoot (or cut somebody up).