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A noisy noise annoys an oyster

Tounge twister

A noisy noise annoys an oyster

by Sum Boddi July 7, 2021


A single, loud shit taken in a public restroom. Often common in men's restrooms, and eschewed in women's.

i.e. I took a wicked noisy-boy in the restroom, but I wasn't the only one.

by Wurd_Smith_getting_jiggywithit November 19, 2015

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noisy miner

Aussie slang for being noisy. It comes from the native Australian species called the Noisy Miner. It is known for it's loud call.

Mate, that bloke's being like a Noisy Miner.

by raid_the_fridge December 25, 2016

Noisy quiet

When you are drunk and trying to be quiet. But you fail miserably.

I had a noisy quiet when I came home drunk last night. The bottom shelf in the fridge decided this was a perfect time to give out, awakening the entire house at 2am… when I was just trying to quietly get a glass of juice before bed…

by Banshee1978 August 3, 2021

Noisy Quiet

When you’re trying to be stealth but end up making a racket.

Shit, went to the fridge to grab a drink and the rest of the cans shifted in the box. Noisy quiets goin’ get me busted!

by Shmelisser August 7, 2021

Noisy Quiet

When you’re trying to be stealth but end up making a racket.

Shit, went to the fridge to grab a drink and the rest of the cans shifted in the box. Noisy quiets goin’ get me busted!

by Shmelisser August 7, 2021

Noisy one

The ones to watch.

You watch the quiet one reading the book/magazine, and I'll watch the noisy one with the gun that says he's going to shoot down anybody that isn't scared of him/her. Whether people think he's/she's a bitch or not, the loudest one will kill you dead to prove he's/she's not the bitch, and the scared one will be the one to shoot (or cut somebody up).

by The Original Agahnim May 28, 2021