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Nuts to Butts

Also known as grinding, a type of club dancing where the male dry humps the female. Hence, nuts are to butts.

My high school banned nuts to butts dancing, but we can do it in college.

by Steven L Smith October 15, 2006

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Nuts for Butts

1. A term used when one's outlandish behavior has exceeded the proper usage of "crazy" or "nuts".

2. Can also be used for one who is a frequent admirer of the buttocks region of the human body.

Individual 1:"I'm going to watch Twilight. Want to come?"

Individual 2:"HELL NO. You must be out of your damn mind. You are NUTS FOR BUTTS."


Individual 1:"Dayyyuumm that boi is hella fwine riiigght?!"

Individual 2:"Nahh gurl you are just str8 up nuts for butts"

by heyitsmeee December 9, 2010

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Nut or Butt

A phrase used to ask whether something is good or bad, with nut denoting good and butt denoting bad.

Person 1: Is my new hat nut or butt?
Person 2: That hat is nut for sure!

by swagmoneyplaya November 28, 2018

Nuts to Butts

A threesome involving two men and a woman and double penetration. The two men configure themselves in such away that one man's nuts touches the other man's butts. Some say it's a myth and cannot be done, and maybe that's a good thing.

"Yeah man, Ray and Nick went nuts to butts on that broad all night"

by Joey Joe September 22, 2006

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Pizza Hut and nut in my butt

A form of Netflix for people who like it a little more spicey and straightforward. And it rhymes.

Girl: Your hot

Guy: ok so Pizza Hut and nut in my butt?

by Shayyda March 11, 2021

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nut butt

to fart near or on someones face or genitals

josh i am about to nut butt on you

by alex tha jezzy on the track. May 18, 2008

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Nut butt

A description of either a man or woman’s butt that is particularly small. Typically suits the small body type of the person.

β€œIt doesn’t matter how many squats James does, he will always have a nut butt.”

by beefy3 September 22, 2020