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A very thick, stereotypical Asian nigger.

Shit, that asian nigger broke into my house again last night, and left a Rubik's cube. What a Oa-llan

by John Halpitus September 1, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl

A term used in Warcraft II: Battle Net edition by
Literally meaning
"Good luck, have fun, don't die, kick ass, ha ha, just kidding. Go die, or else I will kick your mother fucking ass you jackass shitfaced cocklicking dicksucker. Just kidding! Or am I? No I am not kidding. Ha ha, have fun, bad luck."
It is only succesfully typed within the alotted 5 seconds approxamitely 33% of the time.

noob1: start
noob2: go
noob1: fucking start
CrimsonShadows: gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl
noob3: wot
noob1: wtf

by Niggadicks July 6, 2006

159๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


You most likely have kids in your basement

Oh that pedo heโ€™s an oa isnโ€™t he

by Rahmate May 30, 2020


A kid who has a big booty

Hey oa!

by Just a random 52 year old July 20, 2020


A mental disease that causes anxiety in an Otaku.
Usually self diagnosed

"Hey wanna hit up the club"
"Cant my OA levels are way to high"

by Chillediaux September 3, 2019


An annyoing person who loves screaaming and getting in trouble

Ugh, he is such a oa

by Toxic Avacado May 20, 2021



''56-m has been kicked out ban reason oa''

by that boy everyone has a crush March 18, 2017