Obi-Bun Kenobi is easily the cutest rabbit I have ever seen.
Acronym of “Only Best In Stat Wars And Nothing Kriffing Else, NObody Bashing It”
“I can’t stand The Last Jedi. Disney and Ruin have killed Star Wars”
“Obi-Swan Kenobi. We can’t be friends anymore buddy. You are one of those toxics always just trying to kill everyones buzz.”
when the pussy has the high ground
bro now i know why they call her obi wap kenobi
Meme. Obi Wan is a fucking meme.
Just above to Shrek and Bully Maguire, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the God of Memes.
Guy 1: Man.. I am so religious
Guy 2: Really? What do you believe in?
Guy 1: Space-Jesus Obi-Wan Kenobi!