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One Handed Dab

A retarded/lazy way of doing a "normal" dab but with only one arm

It is often used by 9 year old Jacob fan's that wan't to be "cool"

Ha! look at that kid doing a One Handed Dab!

by TooLitTooHandle February 2, 2017

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One handed rodeo

The sexual act of doing doggy style with one hand in the air for your watching audience

Look that nigga just did the one handed rodeo on that bitch

by Josef c Bokeyno October 16, 2009

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One handed splash

Washing just your privates with one hand in a cup shape splashing water on you.

Son- "ahh! dad im late for school and i need to take a shower"

Father- "uhh just do the one handed splash"

by son of that guy October 12, 2009

one-handed site

A website that is pornographic in nature that is usually looked at using only one hand while the other hand is busy.

Bill - "Hey Jim did you see that new one-handed site?"
Jim - "Yeah I'm going to check it out when my wife is asleep tonight!"

by Hulk3531 January 9, 2012

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One Handed Skyrim

The act of playing skyrim with one hand, as to keep the other hand free for self pleasure.

Mr. Johnson played so much one handed skyrim that they had to put a cast on his hand and suspend his xbox live account.

by Chauncy P January 11, 2012

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one-handed backstroke

slang for male masturbation which describes the motion involved

I'm a five-time Olympic gold medalist in the one-handed backstroke.

by Überschwanz May 25, 2005

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One Handed Burrito

Receiving a hand job from a taco bell employee

I went to taco bell and order the one handed burrito

by JDC171 August 20, 2016