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Philly slang, conjunction of Oh + Alright

Guy- We about to go to the store
Guy 2- Ord imma come witchu

by Idekbroskiano June 22, 2020


A human being who’s life goal is to be better than all their peers. They are seen as annoying, rude and disrespectful by others. They should calm down and realise that they’re gonna get no where in life.

Person 1: Why are you such an ord? You need to stop being so rude!
Person 2: shut up I’m better than u!

by Peanutbutterontoast April 14, 2020


its word in danish dipshit


by Bifrogg May 27, 2021


"Ord" is the Swedish word for "word"

Kopiera denna text ord för ord (copy this text word for word)

by Väldigt cool person March 3, 2022


to defy the laws of physics and shove multiple containers of food within each other. this is often used as a torture method by forcing a person to eat all of the food on the table with ording.
to perform ording, lick.

lick to ord

by CutieFox9 July 12, 2024


It’s “Lord” but spoken “Ord” in matt’s language

“i ord your mom

by Mixii :> September 13, 2020


If for example a shirt and a skirt have similar pattern and are designed to be worn together.

I bought these co-ords because they’re so cool, but I think I will use the shirt more often in the future than the skirt.

by Sunrise81 July 28, 2024