The scale used to measure how much of a play fag someone is. This is based on how many play related activities the person does. The more they do the more of a play fag they are. 10 is the highest on this scale.
Danny, because you saw that play, you are now an 8 on the p-f scale.
4👍 3👎
karen:"this chocolate is so good!!!"
susan:"yeah, it's p. f. p."
1👍 1👎
The most overpowered thing that appears in games, and real life that will pwn things in fights, I'm not kidding it hits harder than a punch for Saitama.
2: Don't make me use the S L A P O F D O O M.
3👍 2👎
For some reason you tried to write every single key on a scandinavian keyboard, you are bored and weird.
|1234567890+\§!"#¤%&/()=?`@£$€{}´qwertyuiopåasdfghjkløæzxcvbnm<>*^~,.-;:_QWERTYUIOPÅASDFGHJKLØÆZXCVBNM`wè`r`t`yùìò`p`åà`s`d`f`g`h`j`k`l`ø`æ`z`x`c`v`b`n`m `Q`WÈ`R`T`YÙÌÒ`P`ÅÀ`S`D`F`G`H`J`K`L`Ø`Æ`Z`X`C`V`B`N`MtÿüïöäËÜÏÖĨMûîôâÛÎÔÂñ is a word now.
11👍 2👎
When you're so ridiculously bored, you decide to type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, but with the letters spaced out. This is one of the final stages of a unnamed human being's boredom / procrastination. Now, i know why your're reading this, you typed it in, so enjoy finishing that 2000 word essay over the next 12 hours before it's due!
Ah, fuck it, I'm so bored I might as well just type q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m in to my unnamed search engine to see what happens
6👍 2👎
1234567890-=q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l ; ' ()/()z x c v b n m , . ()/() ~ !@#$%^(&*() _())+ { } : " | |< > ? is what you type on a keyboard when you get insanely bored.
Yesterday I got so bored that I searched 1234567890-=q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l ; ' ()/()z x c v b n m , . ()/() ~ !@#$%^(&*() _())+ { } : " | |< > ? on google and nothing came up so I put it in the Urban Dictionary
39👍 6👎