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Princess Pedestal Law

In the event one person, preferably female, is seen being harassed by unknown person(s) is to automatically assume that the harassers are male, anti-feminists, gamer gate, ect. Even when the evidence is proven that the harasser is not male, anti-feminist, gamer gate, ect.

A tumblr feminist assumes that the hate asks she receives are by a male blogger, even though the harassing blogger is clearly seen to being female. This is the example of Princess Pedestal Law.

by tikibomber June 25, 2015

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Or podium? I don't know... You know what I mean. Ok, definition time pedestal: This is right < That means this < Which translates (roughly) to

Hym "This is a reasoning tool I like to call 'Hym's Pedestal.' It posits that: if this is that, then that means this, which means what you said translates to that."

Iam "You saw that too? Damn I always allude to it before I articulate it and then you guys reference it before I get the chance and then you think I'm referencing the reference but really I had it articulated BEFORE you said it but it was in the queue and I didn't get to it. And now you think I didn't think of it first. And I did. Damn."

Hym "Yessir! We got them good brains, baby!"

by Hym Iam July 26, 2022


talking very highly of someone, as if an idol or god.

saying something to the tune of "hey Branden is totally our savior for helping out with the party" would be pedestaling

by cupofdirtfordinner March 24, 2022

polish your own pedestal

To engage in excessively narcisisstic/vain speech or behavior.

When you polish your own pedestal, you do a fine job of letting the world know you think you're cooler than you are.

Thomas is normally a humble guy, but after a few drinks he really starts polishing his own pedestal about what a great Scrabble player he is.

by markolai April 7, 2013

Pyrrhic Pedestal

When someone expends way too much energy on something that isn't important, to make make themselves appear above another person.

You have won an argument on the internet, and have spent a lot of time proving your superiority over me... in a thread! Congratulations on your Pyrrhic Pedestal.

by Nartal July 22, 2021

Dick on the pedestal

Putting your dick on the pedestal is to operate in such a manner that you make women work for your dick instead of just giving it away.

The opposite of pussy whipped~

Also referred to as operation D.O.P.

I.e. instead of being pussy whipped, take back your manhood and put your dick back on the pedestal. Make your next girl earn her next big O.

Dick on the pedestal, adjective used to describe tactics that make girls work for your dick. The opposite of being whipped.

Operation D.O.P. Is a success, Iv got several friends with benefits now that Im making these girls work for it.

I put my dick back on the pedestal and now my girlfriend finally understands how valuable this dick is too her... she cleaned the house and gave me a blowjob this week.

Ever since I started applying operation D.O.P. Tactics my DMs have been poppin’

by Peacepuff December 13, 2021

Pedestal pussy

A women with a bangin bod but shitty personality , so you prop her up and make her look good and Give her a luxurious lifestyle, so that slay banging cooch!!

Bro, That women is basically a pedestal pussy And ya might as well make it a mahogany and leather pedestal the way you spoil her!! It’s just a Cooch!!

by Depressed Schmeat Stick 8 September 8, 2020