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penial thrasher

Someone who rides cock; a fag.

Joey is such a penial thrasher

by Joey Rockwell May 24, 2008

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When there is a boat purely dedicated for filming porno.

Dude is that a penial boat????

by PU$$YDERTROYER69696969 October 23, 2013

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Penial Distress

When your penis itches to the point where you have to take a razor blade then shave off the first layer of skin to fix the issue.

"I think I need a Penial Distress session."

by THOT.exe January 16, 2018

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Penial Diabetes

Diabetes in the penial region, most common in Asians.

Brendan: "Yo, lets invite that guy to the party"
Toon: "Step off nigga don't go close, that asian has mad penial diabetes"

by Muldooner July 18, 2006

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penial extraction

came from the case of a female child who was born with dos peni (one black, one hispanic. how did they know? it was tan)

the removal took approximately 98 hours and needed three penial extraction specialists.

Father: "How are things coming along?"

Doc: "Well your daughter's double penial extraction is a success."

by sluthole11 April 29, 2009

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Penial Diabetes

Diabetes in the penial region, most common in Asians.

Brendan: "Yo, lets invite that guy to the party"
Toon: "Step off nigga don't go close, that asian has mad penial diabetes"

by Toon Muldooner July 17, 2006

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Penial Syndrome

When someone becomes unable to read cursive; to act gay to a black person

Example 1:
A: Damn B, I can't read your cursive.
B: Well A, it might be Penial Syndrome.

Example 2:
N: Damn, this chicken tastes good G!
G: Let me suck your dick N
N: Wtf, did something give you Penial Syndrome? Faggot.

by Nigger The Sex Maniac June 23, 2019

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