A shit hole of a city full of crime and murder
Hey I'm going to Peoria
Peoria AZ
No Peoria IL
Peoria Academy is an independent, secular, non-profit, private school located in Peoria, Illinois. It is seen as rich (tuition in total equals about $10,000, the most in the Central Illinois Area), elitist, and somewhat snobby (which all of these are partly true), but parents, students, and administrators believe that it is a perfect dreamland where society ceases to have problems. PA also has amazing test scores: the average Peoria Academy student tests about 2 to 3 grades above the public school average. This can be seen as being taught to students, but also may be because of the higher standard that students are put under: most students have parent(s) that are doctors, physchologists, lawyers, or dentists. This school is for the richest people that Peoria has to offer.
Person 1: Hey. Where's that kid over there go?
Person 2: Oh. Him? He goes to Peoria Academy.
Person 1: Oh yeahh! Let me guess. his dad works at Caterpillar or his mother's a doctor.
PA Student: eew! Why are those public school scum conversing about me?