Do I even have to explain POOP IN THE BUTT= MONEY IN THE HAND
The act of holding in a massive Chipotle shit 1 meter long that you're asshole becomes shit crusted and stained brown.
Jacob has a fat Poop Butt that smells like the amount of taco bell and dog shit Jacob's fat fucking cock sucking throat has consumed.
Any individual, male or female who has pooped and has not yet taken a shower using soap and a thorough scrub to his or her butt hole to remove the excess poop that is probably stuck in the nooks of the anus.
Kristina was a very attractive women and presented herself with the upmost confidence. Andrew was extremely attracted to Kristina. Andrew was going to ask Kristina on a date until he noticed she had used the bathroom for roughly 10 minutes. Andrew then knew that Kristina had a “Poop Butt” and decided not to ask her on a date.
You bring your dog out for a walk and come back inside, where, lo and behold, there’s a huge poopy stuck to the dog’s ass that never came off outside. You can’t take it off with dabbing with a paper towel. You gotta shower off that dog butt. How fun is that?!
Oh no, my dog has doggy poop butt after the walk today. What the hell am I gonna do. It smells so bad. Aaargh! Puke puke.
Chad Green, Relief pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays
Chad Green is so poop and butt
the nasty of the nasty women...steer clear..nothing to see here.
yo dude...steer clear of that one...she's a straight up poop butt dumpster.