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loss prevention

Loss prevention are the retards who dress up like regular people in stores and catch your dumb ass for shoplifting

their sneaky, dike looking, and dont have anything better to do in their life

girl: "Fuck dude i can't work at Macy's no more"
boy: WHY NOT?
girl: "some dumb ass loss prevention caught me stealing some shirts"

by christy monopoly February 22, 2009

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loose prevention

somebody that prevents loose behavior.

a friend that saved your ass from hooking up with that fat chick.

by Briscoe May 25, 2005

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Nudity Prevention Device

an article of clothing.

prevents, does not stop.

comes off easier with alcohol.

"i'm going to go put my nudity prevention devices in the dryer, dude. I'll be back in a minute."

by Danger_Rick February 1, 2009

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Suicide Prevention Month

September is suicide prevention month. Make sure to reach out to your friends, family and loved ones and make sure they are okay and are doing good! If they aren’t, validate their feelings and see if there is any way to help. Also, don’t forget to also take care of yourself and your own mental health time month. :D

Person 1: Hey, it’s suicide prevention month!
Person 2: That’s nice to know, I must reach out to my sister and see how she’s doing.

Person 1: Me too!

by spaghettini tagliatelle September 2, 2021

Loss Prevention Officer

Also known as LPO, typically work for retail stores, specializing in the recovery of merchandise and the apprehension of the shoplifter. Typically dressed in plain clothes to blend in as a shopper. LPO's use CCTV, floor observations, and 2-way windows to view the shoplifters in action.

Damn, I now have a misdemeanor on my record for life, because that damn Loss Prevention Officer arrested me over some dice!


by LPO in CA June 19, 2008

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Customer Prevention Department

AKA Sales Prevention Department AKA Credit Department
Most Companies have a sales department and there goal is simple. Take a product or service and present it to someone in need of your product or service. What many people do not know is every sales department has a nemesis, the customer prevention Department or Credit Department. Whose goal is to come up with a hundred reasons why the company should not sell to a customer.

Hey joe, Heard about that big sale, should be no prob getting that new boat next month.
Yeah 20 hours of negoation and I had it locked, then the Customer prevention department came along and out the fucking window it went.

by deltax138 August 12, 2008

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suicide prevention hotline

we've all seen it as the top result on google at one point :thumbsup:

man: i feel like shit

by i dont feel safe February 12, 2019

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