Source Code

Primary Color

Red, Green, and Blue

See Hex color code.

by Goat December 12, 2002

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Primary Colors

The three primary colors are what all the other colors are made from.

barring white and black which are technically not colors

Person: hey man did you know red, blue and green can make any color.

person 2: lol I learnt about primary colors in preschool

by Bradley J floyd April 9, 2007

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Primary Target

A Primary Target is a guy's cock & balls in Tae-Kwon-Do.

He went for his Primary Target - my cock & balls - in martial arts class today!

by USAF Cadet February 8, 2021

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white primary

Four skinny white dudes bent over with a quadruple black dildo on a post going at it all at once.

β€œThat white primary was so sick last light!”

by Gorillaofthemicro February 28, 2018

firehouse primary

A term used in the United States to describe a primary election run by a political party, with minimum input from the government, to select the party's candidates for a later general election. Firehouse primaries were originally held in public buildings such as firehouses.

The Democrats opted to run a firehouse primary to choose a nominee in the 4th Congressional District after the death of the Congressman Donald McEachin.

by David Bassler December 25, 2022

Stamford Primary

LOL this school is one of the biggest joke of all, taking on the name of sir stamford raffles but the school is literally filled with gangsters and toxic ass people who will literally make your life a living hell when you’re not rich or pretty. There are some awesome teachers and also some shitass bias, elitist teachers who look down upon students from non-top classes lol damn gross and the new principal cancelled prom. This school ruined my mental health lol but they going to merge or smth idk if the school is still like this but this is what i experienced while I was still a student from that school.

Someone: Which pri sch were you frm?

Me: Stamford Primary School

Someone: Wah that sounds like a good school!


by gdopoop August 21, 2021

Primary Colours

2nd album by AMAZING Southend-On-Sea band the Horrors. Draws influences from krautrock and shoegaze. A truly breathtaking album.

Mirror's Image
Three Decades
Who Can Say
Do You Remember
New Ice Age
Scarlet Fields
I Only Think Of You
I Can't Control Myself
Primary Colours
Sea Within A Sea

Primary Colours is one of the best albums of 2009.

by Pi! October 29, 2009

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