The art of practicing medicine such that a patient is subjected to tests which will not alter the direction of treatment, and refusing treatment until the patient complies. When a doctor requires a test or procedure more harmful or risky than providing appropriate treatment to see if there is improvement.
Dr. Clarke is practicing Quid pro quo medicine, he wants me to have an ERCP with sphincterotomy when a CT Scan carries less risk, less cost and is more accurate than his subjecting opinion.
The conspiracy theory that Trump and Putin used secret queefs between staffers to communicate coded messages.
QAnon Quid Pro Queef coding has now surpassed AES 256-bit encryption as the gold standard.
3👍 778👎
Where two or more people receive an equal-size measure of baccy-chew.
I can respect nicotine-wad-chomping buddies' wanting to "share and share alike" by practicing quid pro quo, but surely there are less disgusting --- not to mention less hazardous to your health --- ways to display fairness of mind???
this for that; tit for tat (obsolete, but still used by older people); "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours"; usually used in legal exchanges with attorneys each giving something to settle a case.
The "quid pro quo" in the divorce was that the wife would get the house and the husband would get the cottage on the lake.
somethin Donald trump has be he says he doesnt and is gettin impeached because of it because hes a assbitch that will go to hell.
quid pro quo
Derived from the Latin phrase “Quid Pro Quo” (this for that), Quid Pro Quip is a style of conversation in which persons exchange witticisms or gibes.
Mom: “Get out of bed, John! We’re going to church.”
John: “Fuck no, I’m hungover.”
Mom: “Don’t you want to be a good Christian?”
John: “Shit mom…Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”
Mom: “I will fucking end you if we have to go quid pro quip on a Sunday morning…”
A form of benevolent sexism in which a boss offers sex to an employee in exchange for work-related benefits, such as a pay raise or promotion, but instead places 50 or more crows in the employee’s office the next day.
Person 1: “Did you hear that ‘Beckie’ in HR found 50 crows in her office on Monday morning?”
Person 2: “Oh no that’s terrible!”
Person 1: “Absolutely! I think ‘Mark’ offered her sex in exchange for a raise.”
Person 2: “Oh my! He tricked her with quid pro crow!”