Een Raas is een extreem knap en aantrekkelijk persoon, meestal heeft een Raas ook een extreem lange penis.
Vrouw 1: Kijk daar, een Raas! Wat een lekker ding!
Vrouw 2: Wat een knapperd! HIJ IS VAN MIJN!
Raaed. The most amazingly perfect person you could ever meet. He is perfect in every way, and every person he meets adores him. He is loved by so many, yet loves only one other more than his own life. A Raaed always has beautiful eyes and isn't afraid to use them to his advantage. Even though he loves only one other, he will flirt with people of the opposite sex. He also has a massive penis and is a good loyal boyfriend. If you know an Raaed, look after him. He is the greatest treasure you could have. Raaed is a very fun and outgoing guy. He has a smile that will brighten anyone's day and eye's that alway's have the girl's looking twice. He is a kind, sweet, trustworthy, cute, caring, smart, loving person that will alway's be there for you. The best guy that could exist. If you find one don’t let him slip
Girl- I met this guy and I can’t remember his name but I memorized his whole face I couldn’t stop staring.
Girl- It’s probably Raaed, only he could make you keep staring.