Like 2 Girls 1 Cup, only for your ears.
Tim: Did you hear Friday by Rebecca Black?
John: Yup, I'm off to get electroshock therapy
31π 7π
The bitch who made the most annoying song in the history of the world. Justin Beiber is approved by the world more than those who approve of Rebecca Black. The infamous Friday song consists of Black telling the world it's Friday (even when it's clearly not Friday). She also us the days of the week, as if we don't already know it. We know Thursday is before Friday, Friday is Friday, Saturday is after Friday, and Sunday is after Saturday. But that bitch thinks we're too dumb to know. She also has to decide where to sit in a car, the front seat or the back seat. Which is the dumbest shit ever because someone is already is in the front seat, which means you're suppose to sit in the BACK SEAT, BITCH. The music video consists of 12 year old kids in front of a green screen pretending to drive a convertible and two girls on the side dancing awkwardly, becoming a giant sensation on Tumblr. Also, a random black guy, who is obviously older than 12, rapping and perhaps even attending the same party as the kids. Creepy much? The song is plague. It hurts your ears, makes you want to cry, and drops your IQ 100 points but somehow it sticks to your head, spreads like a cancer and can causes you to even sing it sometimes.
Guy: Forget Beiber Fever, I got the Black Plague!
Rebecca Black: Kickinβ in the front seat
Sittinβ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
Rebecca Black: Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyinβ)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards
I donβt want this weekend to end
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One of the worst teen singers that has existed. May or May not be as bad or or worse than Justin Bieber
Have you heard Rebecca Black's song "Friday"?
She's retarded, don't even bother.
40π 10π
A girl who can't make up her mind on which seat she should take, in the car driven by her 13 year friend. She likes to narrate her Fridays in extreme detail from 7:00 am to friday night. She knows her weekdays very well to the point where she will tell you that yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday, tommorow is Saturday, and after that is Sunday. This song is only accurate on Fridays, so do NOT rely on her when you need to know what day it is. Rebecca Black says she enjoys her Fridays, despite the fact that there is a random black guy stalking them in his car. Maybe if everyone in the car wasn't so busy dancing and driving underage, they would notice and call the police.
Example: Now i'm aware that Saturday is after Friday, thanks to Rebecca Black and her wisdom of the days of the week.
23π 5π
-the lyrical genius of our time.
-can be compared to Justin Bieber
-a major component in the deteriorating world of pop music.
"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards"
- Friday by Rebecca Black
132π 45π
The single most talented and touching lyrical genius of the 21st century. Successfully touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people with her hit single "Friday" in 2011. The music video was shared all across Twitter and even on Comedy Central and Tosh.0; that's just how good it is. Rebecca Black is known very well to have taught teenagers across the globe that not only is Thursday before Friday, but Saturday follows and Sunday comes afterward.
1. "Dude, did you listen to that song, 'Friday'?"
"Yeah, I think that chick was pretty, but I was too busy lolling to tell."
2. "Rebecca Black is a lyrical genius. She taught me 4 days of the week in just one song."
136π 47π
A person of the female affinity who produced a music video for the sole purpose of informing those who do not know that it is Friday, which comes after Thursday and is followed by Saturday which is then followed by Sunday.
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