Source Code

services rendered

Usually a euphemism for prostitution.

The payment that John made to Mary, was for "services rendered".

by Mecha-Weasel January 30, 2015

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The small-talk that a video editor makes with clients while rendering.

Editors like to generate a small amount of render-babble to keep the clients engaged.

by BillableDownTime March 17, 2010

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Render the bowl

To take a dump so explosive that it completely covers every part of the porcelain in a textured turd finish consistent with an external rendered look

Bro I just completely render the bowl

by Bj swartz October 9, 2019

Gibble Render

A language that anyone can speak. It is spoken by making strange noises, such as croaks, yelps, pterodactyl noises (which it is mostly made of), and many other related noises like weird laughs. You canโ€™t really define or understand this language, it is just a random way of speaking. Kind of like gibberish but with noises instead of mixed up phrases, letters, and words.

Did you hear? The girl over there was speaking Gibble Render to her sister across the room!

by LouDoesnโ€™tLikeBeans March 16, 2021

Render Wrestling

A WWE 2K Based E-Fed Ran by GoldenSkulls, TheAlphaClub and Pehrox.

Oi fam did you see fucking Render Wrestling?

by Blackheart Cunt March 23, 2019

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Render Senseless

A Metal/Hardcore band from Montreal, Canada. Labeled the "New Metallica" by Metal Monthly magazine. Watch for them in the near future.

Guy: Did you see the Render Senseless show the other night???
Guy 2: Yaa it was amazing!!!!!!!
Guy: What happened to that emo band that opened for them?
Guy 2: They got their asses kicked!!!

by Demofan May 30, 2005

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Render Wrestling

a 2K based pro wrestling e-fed company ran by GoldenSkulls

hey have u watched render wrestling?
yeah there shows are amazing!

by a australian guy March 22, 2019

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