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Rigga Tigga Tum Tum

A series of random phrases someone says in celebration. No one really knows what these words mean, they just sound awesome when yelled extremely loudly in a large group, especially when other members are yelling other pointless sayings like "cracko jacko", "pow pow", "zip zap" etc..

D: Man I just slapped Soulja Boy in the face! It felt so good!
J: Rigga Tigga Tum Tum!!!
D: Cracko Jacko!!!

by Tetherel November 10, 2010

12👍 1👎


Used by stoners when talking about or to their homie/(friend)when lighting their torch for them.

Kiki asked "yo joe are you my Rigga today?"
Joe replied" nah I can't be your torcher today"

by Jupitershots August 13, 2022


An insult used mostly towards Brazilians, although it can also be used as an expression of appreciation or fondness, towards a Brazilian.

Person 1: What are you doing this weekend?
Person 2: Just hangin with my rigga Sammy

by NightTerror04 June 21, 2023


A Rigan from a game called rogue lineage and is sometimes said as Rigga because of the race as it is black and runs fast

ima gank that rigga

by riggaez June 13, 2021


Gangsta living in a rural settlement

Waddup my rigga, how are your lambs?

by theburmmachine October 11, 2015


Another way of pronouncing Rigz, he has features such as a greek god and will obliterate anyone in his path.

Just a sound kid yeno what I mean?

Yeah I love the God Rigga he's just too unstoppable.

That Rigga is just OP af.

by CONATRON November 23, 2021


An offensive name for a red person,
A red nigga.

He is a rigga.

by MasterGr1mmy June 29, 2023