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Rise Against

An awsome punk band from Chicago with intense lyrics, and an amazing drummer
They already have 2 albums out, Revolutions Per Minute, and Siren Song of the Counter Culture. They are currently working on a new album, The Sufferer and the Witnesses coming on July 4th, 2006
Its gonna rock

Tim McIlrath- Guitar/Lead Vocals
Joe Princepie- Guitar
Chris Chasse- Bass
Brandon Barnes- Drums
viva la rise against

by the whore next door May 24, 2006

89👍 44👎

Rise Against

An amazing rock band from Chicago who sings about hard subjects to get us through these tough times. You should really listen to them, not kidding.

Go look them up.

"Knees are shaking, I cant breathe. So give me the drug, give me an eye. Give me what's left of my life. Dont let me go~ Woah-ohhh-oh-woah!" ~Injection, Rise Against

by Female s i m p November 7, 2020

Rise Against the Machine

A mistake when referring to either, Rise Against or Rage Against the Machines. Though coming from different genres, their names could be intertwined to produce confusion to the listener.

Person 1 - Dude, did you hear that new Rise Against the Machine song?

Person 2 - Don't you mean Rage Against the Machine?

Person 1 - Damn it.

by Kswed April 8, 2011

60👍 3👎