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Shipwreck surround sound

Surround sound made from scavenged parts of other stereos/soundsystems with a jimmy-rigged base unit

Usually not functional as actual surround sound but loud as hell and subject to spasms in connections resulting in horrible loud sounds

Pirate - Hey you coming over to watch the Matrix this weekend?

Mark - No way man, last time your shipwreck surround sound made spasticated tuba sounds all night and we had to keep stopping the film to adjust the cables. And you don't understand the Matrix like I do, no one does

by JanitorJo July 5, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

49 square miles surrounded by reality

San Francisco is a city of approximately 7 x 7 square miles, bounded to the East and North by the San Francisco bay, to the West by the Pacific Ocean, and to the South by the Peninsula.

It is considered by many to be a beautiful city filled with the charm of foggy hilly streets, old Victorian homes, a thriving modern downtown and an eclectic mix of people living in approximately 27 distinct neighborhoods, including a decade old Chinese community.

San Francisco is 7 x 7 square miles, and is often referred to by it's inhabitants as "49 square miles surrounded by reality"

by Uffish Thought February 3, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Itโ€™s to inform you that there are so many cats in the kitchen surrounding, please ask your pest control team for adoption

Itโ€™s to inform you that there are so many cats in the kitchen surrounding, please ask your pest control team for adoption

Itโ€™s to inform you that there are so many cats in the kitchen surrounding, please ask your pest control team for adoption

by adnan0007 October 10, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is a breakdown chant created by the Metalcore band a Day to Remember in 2008 on the song Mr. Highways Thinking About the End it is also used as a joke of sorts to start a pit wherever you are


Person 2: *starts crowdkilling*

by October 12, 2023

Human-surrounded design

A progressive design approach that emphasizes the continuous and active involvement of humans throughout the AI-driven workflow process. Rather than considering humans as mere end-users, "human-surrounded design" integrates human input, feedback, and perspectives at every stage, ensuring that AI and technology solutions remain deeply aligned with human needs, values, and expertise.

"Given the potential impact of the new AI tool, the team prioritized a human-surrounded design to ensure consistent checks, balances, and guidance from its human collaborators."

by ai4good September 20, 2023

Surround and drown

When a lucky person gets surrounded by men, women or both and all streams release a golden shower display to rival the Bellagio hotel covering the lucky recipient with warm yellow goodness.

The party was nuts, everyone surrounded R Kelly and gave him a surround and drown.

by padawamedic April 20, 2018


When someone comes into your personal bubble.

"Yo, homie your in my surroundation Get the fuck out!!"

by Brann-muffin November 18, 2017