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a comeback to literally anything. People typically say this when they relate to what someone just said.

“I”m literally so tired. I stayed up all night last night”. “Same”.

by alexandra19 August 31, 2019


A very smart and handsome boy who smokes a lot of weed.

You’re dumb but you’re also a Sameed.

by Reggie8282 June 8, 2019

14👍 6👎


Verb (pronounced Sam-ing)

The act of engaging in sexual intercourse with an ex who expects more then a friendship, but the engagee knows they will never date again.

Also the act of sex between two ex's who know the wisest move in the situation would be to never speak again.

Saming often results from a refusal of partners to let go of eachother for sexual reasons or feelings of boredom and loneliness.

Every state of Saming is unique and can be very complex.
It often hides behind the term "friends".

Friend: "Hows things with Kourtney?"

Engagee: "Oh, we're Saming agan, I just love fucking her but shes still way too attached to the past"

by Mashed Potato John July 22, 2008

12👍 5👎


The hardest guy in brum.I wouldn't beef him EVER and don't think he's quiet because he don't talk.He also has a lot of respect for girls and would never hit a girl he's asian but black from the waist below(he has a big nigga dick)he can also be a dickhead sometimes because he'll get your girl in his dms and fuck her that same day.

"Yes yes sameed"

by Suck your nans left toe June 14, 2017

15👍 6👎

same same

it means same , but told in a exaggerated way .When you want to tell someone how you and the other person have something in common , you can tell this

girl:i have blue shoes
another girl:aye same same

by alokhegdumdums July 8, 2021

5👍 2👎

same same

like to touch penis tips.

village boy was found to be same same by his peers.

by ghettoasdasdasdsadsdtthunnasjd November 23, 2018

15👍 38👎


A dyslexic friendly shortening of the term 'same as'. Used as a sign of recognition for another persons situation.

Person 1 - That curry last night gave me such bad ring sting, feels like I've been raped by a wasps nest.
Person 2 - sames

by Jeffro Lucas February 16, 2007

50👍 37👎