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Sarah Palin

An insane ex-beauty queen who, despite having a vagina, manages to be against women's rights.

AKA "Caribou Barbie"

"I'm Sarah Palin."
"Go pee on yourself, jerkette."

by Freedom! Forever! September 5, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 508๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

John McCain's VP pick for his disasterous 2008 presidential run is a vicious, bellicose, spiteful, vindictive, homophobic ultra right-wing crackpot who is opposed to abortion rights and stem-cell research, and is in favor of extreme gun-rights, unrestricted drilling for oil, lowering the drinking age and creationism taught in the public schools. Even for a polititian, her ability to look a TV camera straight in the eye while unloading an avalanche of bullshit is astounding. A pathological liar to the max, she makes Richard Nixon look like a choirboy on sodium pentathol. Watch her keep a straight face while referring to herself as a maverick, or when she says that dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago. To top it all off, she married a guy who said the core American values are "hunting and fishing."

Sarah Palin would make a lousy Vice President, but she would probably give great head.

by Rollo & Biff October 20, 2008

1095๐Ÿ‘ 8035๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, what a great choice for a VP!

Her 17-year-old unmarried daughter, Bristol, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father.

Gov. Palin who is staunchly anti-abortion, gave birth in April to Trig Palin, her fifth child, a son born with Down syndrome

Sarah Palin does not support womens issues, Sarah palin does not support equal pay for equal work.

Sarah Palin says, "Even if my own daughter was raped i would not even consider abortion as an option."

A anti-abortion, reformist CuNT

Sarah Palin is a straight up cunt.

by Real Talkkk September 3, 2008

481๐Ÿ‘ 18550๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

1. When one applies lipstick to the mouth of a pitbull, they will have successfully built a Sarah Palin (or hockey mom equivalent).

2. Any female notorious for dynamically generating abstract names for her children. Similar to a password generation program.

3. A 2008 U.S. vice presidential candidate chosen for her sexual appeal to naive U.S. citizens, her extensive knowledge of the use of the word 'maverick', and the fact that she is completely void of any useful knowledge that could aid her through the course of being vice president.

4. Anyone capable of viewing the Soviet Union from their dwelling.

5. Anyone who believes extracting oil from a limited supply near Alaska will erase every problem from the face of the United States.

1. Yesterday, I finally acquired some lipstick so I could finish my Sarah Palin.

2. Hey Trig, should I name my next daughter Carport, Cashew, Rake, or Purple?

3. Hello, I'm Sarah Palin. I was chosen as a candidate because I'm a sexy dumb maverick!

4. I can see Russia from my house!

5. Drill, baby, drill.

by Hilary 2012 October 19, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 6931๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Sadistic cunt that knows no boundaries for unconscionable self-conduct. Sometimes possessed by the devil, has been known to sue to remove polar bears from the endangered species list to further her agenda to drill for oil, thus likely pushing them to extinction and contribute to environmental destruction and global warming. Also pays aerial hunters to chase wolves to exhaustion and then bring her their freshly severed front legs.

example 1) Whoa there! Are you pouring anti-freeze into that stream? Thats extremely bad for the environment. Are you trying to be the next Sarah Palin or something?

example 2) Laura, Dick, Lynn, Condi and I want to thank you, Sarah, for inviting us over to dine on these succulent human embryos served in the scooped out skulls of endangered snow leopards. After dinner, let's go shoot some guns and feed each other our feces.

by JGarrison September 7, 2008

279๐Ÿ‘ 18393๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Backwards republican who's against not only gay marriage but also monetary rights to gay couples. But she's for cruelty to animals to the extent where she supports the practice of hunting Wolves by air. How sporting!

"ugh dude who should I vote for? I hate other countries, animals, a progressive economy and equal rights."

"Then vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin!"

by smurfsdabomb August 30, 2008

99๐Ÿ‘ 9802๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A pathetically inexperienced Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican ticket. She would not have been picked had she been a male

McCain is insulting womens' intelligence thinking he can win over votes with someone like Sarah Palin

by BassClefAlbert September 1, 2008

423๐Ÿ‘ 18495๐Ÿ‘Ž