British white trash.
Usually teenaged or younger, seen around town centres wearing cheap and dirty tracksuit (adidas, nike, lacoste) clothing. Often in large groups in which the social hierarchy is based on how hard they come across.
Scally in town center: Get over ere lad, yer fuckun faggot. Yer fuckun faggot...
etc etc
38๐ 24๐
A scallie will definatly be from a council estate or a surrounding area. Traditionally they could be found outside their local off licence or chip shop. However they have now infested the earth as they have realeased that there life outside there holes. At times while walking the street all I can see is a sea of Burbury/Adidas/Nike and any other make of clothing that most people would only wear to the gym or not at all. They all smoke L&B and turn what ever the local dialect is into an incomprehendable noise. If you ever have the unfortunate experience of interacting with these inderviduals you will soon realise that they all talk complete shit. There shit usually involves an initial ice breaker of asking fo a fag, if this does not immediately happen it will in the following minutes then fighting, drinking or complete lies about how there distant family members own expensive sports cars or exotic homes will follow.WANKERS!!! More information on these fools can be found at
Most common interaction: "Got a fag, MATE?!"
25๐ 15๐
There are two trains of thought of it's origin. The first one is the word 'scally' is a derivative of the Afrikaans word 'skollie' which means naughty or pesky little boy - A lot of soldiers from Liverpool fought in the Boer War and Afrikaans words were in vogue in the Scouse dialect for awhile though only two remain which are 'scally' and spion kop'
The other train of thought it that 'Scally' was derived from a tough Irish-Liverpool family of the same name, the Scally family had a lot of sons who were always up to no good and thus the beginnings of the term Scally.
A scally is not from Birmingham, Leicester, Keighley, Corby, Brighton, Rotterdam or Dar es Salaam - Scallies are Scousers or Mancunian in origin, Scallies dress, act, talk and interact in a very individualistic way.
Scallies don't tend to work, they end to dress in sports/casual gear, they tend to be Irish Catholic in origin and they tend to smoke, drink take too many drugs.
Scallies are physically puny and tend not to be able to fight all that well - despite their violent tenedencies - they get round this by breeding pitbull terriers and walking them everywhere and carrying weaponary which they will use liberally.
Scallies tend to come from a long line of workshy, deviant, unemployable and violent bloodlines and DNA. Despite this some scallies make it to the big time in the sporting and musical fields - most noteworthy are the Gallagher brothers and Joey Barton - proper scalls them three.
The nearest cousin to the scally is the Glaswegian 'Ned'
both Celtic in DNA attitude and look (weedy, pale and they tend to smell)the scally is here for the time being so we all better get used to it - and that means buying a decent house alarm.
Arrr ey mate - yer a proper scally aren't ya!
21๐ 13๐
a large group of young male scallies can be found shouting either abuse or sexual harrasment to female passers by. in a large group their laughter is inaudable but when a single scally becomes alone they are quiet and subdued. scallies all seem to know one another and groups are defined by the colour of their tracksuits (usually scallies only own one or two 'trackies' at most)
ay burd wanna giv us a nosh?
u gonna get shagged gearl?
Scallies, as they are collectively known, originate from inner city dwellings and areas of middle-class suburban mypoia, where life has too many creature comforts to be of any interest to them. Instead, they fill their lives with items of clothing that either resemble sportswear and boots (??) or the clothes that your Grandad might wear (Burberry). Often seen with their trousers tucked into their socks, they do not seem to realise that this tradition origiates from the 1940's, when bicycle riding consituted such practice so as to avoid the destruction of ones vestements. The scally often works in a pack, and maintains a vigorous interest in both (C)rap, garage, and other areas of the house associated with music. When hunting for females, the scally will emit a mating call usually containing phrases such as "e ar yo" and other colloquial terminology. An interest in the Vauxhall Nova and its associated bodykits is a must for any hardcore scally, along with underage srinking of cider on street corners.
For any further information on this wonderful underclass, please visit Glossop, Denton, Gorton or if you don't live nearby.
What ho my good friend, is that a scally I see defectaing over there next to that supremely modified Vauxhall Nova? (The fastest production car ever made you know!)
13๐ 7๐
young boy (usually) gay who wears dirty trackies, baseball cap, worn trainers, often untidy, a rascal or a little scamp
18๐ 11๐
The genital warts on the scrotum of society.
A person on the street who likes beating up people and causing general trouble.
38๐ 29๐