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scene queen

A girl who loves big hair, hello kitty and skittles. Loves taking photos of herself, and knows shes beautiful by accepting her flaws. Is down to earth and is always trying to be different. Updating her hair monthly, even weekly to compete with other scene queens. Hair is their crowning glory. Completely addicted to Myspace, Formspring and/or Tumblr. Likes to be the centre of attention.

"omg look at her hair, what a scene queen"
"i know right, and shes wearing a superman shirt aswell"


by adeleangell May 27, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Queen

A scene queen is a person, typically a girl, who could be considered an emo, but with a lot more color and confidence.

The hair is usually dyed in bright, multiple colors. Accessories are a key for scene queens: necklaces with emblems such as brass knuckls, hello kitty, diamonds, stars, bats, etc. Hair accessories are also major for scene queens: large bows, flashy headbands, bandanas, etc.

Scene queens wear a lot of makeup, in bright unusual colors and patterns. It is definitely a huge way for them to express their creativity, along with their clothes. Clothing is always unusual, and tends not to match. The clothing is what makes a scene queen. The key is to start a new trend.

Scene queens tend to live in their own world. They sometimes have pet names for themselves. They bake lots of sweets like cookies, chocolate, and of course, cupcakes. They do not wish to conform, for unique style of living is the key. They take lots of pictures so you can see their daily way of living, dressing, etc.

There are few famous notable scene queens, and many young teen scene queens who look to become e-famous, aka famous via the internet

Audrey Kitching, Raquel Reed, Jefree Star, and Zui Suicide are rather big in the scene queen world.

Aida Kamikaze, Marisa Vanella, and Zia Blythe are not quite as big as the others, but they are slowly pulling themselves up in the scene queen world.

by madrabbitspanic December 29, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Queen

A scene queen is a girl who dresses in bright colors ALL the time. Who listens to pretty much any kind of musik that sounds good. She will be seen Freaking out like a spaz alot just because well she can. Shes not a wimp like those little emo kids mess with her and shell mess with you ( or at least try to)

OMG dood look at that scene queen over there headbanging in her neon leapord print!

by Montty February 13, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene queen

A "scene queen" is basically a self titled fashionista or "myspace whore" seeking fame off a website such as myspace or buzznet. None of them actually have real friends so these websites help them feel secure.
It is a constant battle between them of who is the 'most original' and who invented big candy colored hair, horizontal hair stripes, obnoxious sized bows etc. They all have some sort of facial piercings such as monroes, snake bites, septum rings, labrets etc and even tattoos if they are of age. They all obsess over hello kitty and other childish things. Some actually look really good but they are so absorbed in their own ego they don't give a damn about anyone other than people promising them fame. You are most likely going to see these girls modeling for independent companies, trying to make a living off selling their closets, and they all seem to have aspirations to be fashion designers.

Some examples:








kiki kannibal: lyke omg i am a scene queen cuz i put raccoon stripes in my weave and some idiots actually followed it. now im going to be really pissy on Stickam and make cheap jewelery.

audrey kitching: since im so famous from having pink hair i think i should sell a bunch of shitty shirts with my cakey face on them for a living as a scene queen.

hanna beth: yeah well im an original scene queen because i shop at goodwill and wear knockoff raybans and fedoras.

by kinkypinkhair July 17, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Queen

A Internet Celebrity. A girl who has everyone on the planet idolizing and wanting to be just like her. They are typically known for their outrageous hair, make-up and stylish clothes. They have authentic and hi-fashion clothing and accessories. Everybody loves a Scene Queen! Wheather you are rich or poor they never look cheap. Always looking perfect and flawless hence that where the Celebrity part comes in. Usually they have every account known to earth on the internet i.e Stickam, Myspace, Buzznet, Facebook, Twitter, ect. Some of the Well know Scene Queens include #1 Audrey Kitching, Jefree Star, Jac Vanek, Hannah Beth, Zui Suicide, Kiki Kannibal (Even though everybody hates her) Brittany Thrillkill, Brittany Kramer, Hannie Dropkick, Hilary Haywire, Raquel Reed...there are way too many to list all here. The Scene Queens are royalty. A good example would be if you've ever seen the movie Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan. Take the "Plastics" for example, a 'Scene Queen' is like a Plastic. Pretty, perfect and popular. Popularity on the Internet mostly that is. And then there is a wide majority of those Wannabees or wgatever you wanna call them. They are easily spotted from a mile away and look like they got dressed at the Good Will of mis-matched clothing.

Girl 1: OMG!!! There she is Brittany Thrillkill the famous Scene Queen and I got her autograph!!!!!!!!!

Girl 2: Psh, I got Kiki's autograph!!

Girl 3: Kiki haha rofl she's a slutand she is more like infamous. Kinda like John Hock.

Girl 4: Brittany and Hannah are the coolest and prettiest Scene Queens!!! I love their hair and style is friggin aaaaawesome

by DiDiwest87 November 17, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene queen

keana vergano, scene queen of stockton, california. rules over myspace, has videos posted on youtube and has a wicked cool style.

teased hair, bright colours, friendship bracelets. scene queen, myspace whore, scene friends, bitch

by liuuuuygh October 18, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Queen

A Scene Queen is a female who is on top of her game. No matter what it is. She is guaranteed to be at all the hot spots in the city, she kills the scene when she comes through & everyone knows her name. She also has much love for her city, & represents it well. She always aims high and follows her dreams. Also she follows no one, she makes her own decisions, has her own unique style and sets her own trends!

A great example is Courtney W. the Scene Queen of Oklahoma City, OK! Go check her out! www.myspace.com/courtney.wallace92
or go follow her! www.twitter.com/courtney_iparty

by gamesrnt4meboo April 18, 2010

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