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Sentinels Syndrome

Anyone with this syndrome is automaticly a pro gamer, and pretty good at any game. The only downside is that you are pretty bad at defending pack and carno cave and will lose it within a day.

Ur in sentinels? Wow you must have the Sentinels Syndrome.

by helvette123 February 26, 2021

Les Sentinelles

A regiment/community formed on Roblox, and Discord. The regiment/community distinctly follows the aspect of 1800’s/Napoleonic Line Infantry. Made by the user ZENKNT1102 on July 18, 2022.

β€œThe 58e Calls For You.”
-Tofu86Drifter (A member within Les Sentinelles)

by Tofu86 October 24, 2022

Sentinel V3

Something that will never release.
Painexist: Sentinel V3 soon!
*3 years later*
Painexist: Sentinel V3 soon!

Bob: Still waiting for Sentinel V3..
Joe: Yeah, buddy that wont ever come out..

by bignamerfrr December 30, 2022

Bot Sentinel

A website that tracks bot accounts on Twitter. While useless for invalidating arguments, it can be a useful reference to determine if a Twitter account is arguing in bad faith.

I checked Bot Sentinel and it said there was an 88% chance you're a trollbot. I'm not saying you're a bot, but maybe ease up on all the propaganda and it'll be easier to discern you from one.

by DeSouzaIsaSJW October 3, 2019

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Sentinel CW

Sentinel CW is the best lego clan game eva!! we promise great hospitality and new friends!! join us now!!

bro Sentinel CW is getting so many members nowadays.


by SenNoz/Nozx/Nozekii November 26, 2021

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Sentinel Beach Resort

An audible sigh coming immediately after plunking down on the toilet seat before a particularly loud dump. Typically preceding a shot across the bow and very awkward for one’s neighbors in the restroom. Origin unknown but perhaps an ironic reference to the initial sense of tranquility and peace felt by missionaries, anthropologists and other visitors to North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal before hearing the initial volley of arrows.

It was bad enough my dad and had to use adjoining shitters at the rest stop on the way home but when I heard his Sentinel Beach Resort I knew I only had seconds to cover my ears before he opened fire.

by Tin Hat Kippah December 6, 2020

north sentinel island

land of the ooga boogas who still use leaves to wipe

did you hear about the mongs on the north sentinel island

by Timmythe rag January 10, 2022

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