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verb meaning to become so internally distraught over some expression of political heterodoxy as to be paralyzed beyond simply vibrating with emotional distress

noun meaning an example of the above

ME: But Josh was a junior at Brown and was baizuo and so woke he could only skizz as she explained her view to the others.

YOU: Wow! I heard about his skizz at lunch today.

by Ceewillee March 23, 2022


A piss merchant

The Skizz pissed on the couch again

by JohnPork69 December 12, 2024


Abréviation de « schizophrène » utilisée par des individus qui sont ignorants face à la schizophrénie et qui croient que ce trouble cognitif et un synonyme de « stupide » et/ou « intoxiqué »

Eille ton ami qui a sniff de la patente dans les toilettes du bar est skizZ en tbnk, il m’a demandé 5 fois si la soeur de mon ami était célibataire

by Angrignon December 4, 2023


Abréviation de « schizophrène » utilisée par des individus qui sont ignorants face à la schizophrénie et qui croient que ce trouble cognitif et un synonyme de « stupide » et/ou « intoxiqué »

Eille ton ami qui a sniff de la patente dans les toilettes du bar est skiZz en tbnk, il m'a demandé 5 fois si la soeur de mon ami était célibataire

by Angrignon December 4, 2023


vape, act of vapin'

Guy: Ay who's got a fucking skizz?

Guy With Skizz: Yo I gotchu' rite here boi!

Guy: Fok ya, been needin' to skizz all morning.

by skunkslunk February 22, 2017


When someone says you have good rizz, but your also a skeez at the same time. Basically a whore or slut thats really good at flirting, if you wanted to define it the simple way.

Y: Do you know Jason?
N: Oh yeah he's such a Skizz.

by ReginaGeorge1985 July 17, 2022


Skizz is another word for 'chat'. In other words something gross, ew, disgusting etc.

personn: ew shes fucking skizz!
person 2: ahah i reckon

by IM SOO COOL. jokkkes. June 25, 2009