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A 9-piece metal band from Iowa, famous for wearing masks and for their chaotic live performances. They call their fans 'maggots' and have recently (May 2004) released their 3rd album, which is seen as their best yet.

"'Vol.3...' is, quite simply, a masterpiece - and a massive raised middle digit to all the stumbling nu-metal no-marks that rode in on the band's coattails."

by Max the Metalhead June 12, 2004

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Cleverly marketed nu-metal band, targetting angsty teenage boys to appeal to the largest possible market. Considered a "gateway band" to some, as they lead the children towards harder music.

"fuck you, wah wah wah, my daddy drinks because I cry"

by smrtiepatns May 5, 2004

1395๐Ÿ‘ 1300๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's incredibly great that a lot of definitions about this band include the words "suck" "shit" "worthless" etc... i bet if one of you read a bad definition about Jay-Z or AFI, you'd probably go cut your wrists and cry to your mommy.
Anyway... Slipknot's a 9-man band from Des Moines, Iowa. While the general idea is that Slipknot is nu-metal/rapcore/metal/etc...and while it's true they are those things, they are also something else. They're a band that has come a long way from their roots (if any of you listened to Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. you'll know what i mean...) and has become an extremely talented band. I'm not sure what happened to the original singer, but the current singer, Corey Taylor, was recruited to sing for the band after the original vocalist departed from the band, or got kicked out, or something. In any case, I don't particularly give a shit what you boyband-lovers have to say about them...Corey has an amazing set of vocal cords, being able to go from the hard, face-ripping, mother-sodomizing growls of "The Heretic Anthem" heard on Iowa to the melodic, soul-wrenching singing of "Snuff" from their new cd, All Hope Is Gone. James and Mick play guitar like they'll die if they stop, and Joey is one of the best drummers i personally have ever heard.

Yes, Corey does use a lot of profanity. Profanity's a good way to express frustration, anger, hopelessness, and other emotions...which is the general theme running through their songs. Slipknot is excellent to listen to when you're pissed, upset, or just feel like rocking your fucking brains out.

No, they did NOT "steal" their ideas for the masks from GWAR or Mushroomhead or anyonethefuckelse. Corey himself described it as a way for the band to disassociate themselves from who they are outside of the band and to get more invovled in the music. Stating that Slipknot stole the idea for masks from another band is like if someone called you out because you happened to pick up the same fucking pair of shoes from Wal Mart as they have...so get the fuck over yourselves. There was a lot of shit over how the members appear outside of the band without masks...well...the fuck do you want? The masks are a part of Slipknot, not Stone Sour when Corey's singing with them, or Korn since Joey's been drumming for them occasionally.

While Slipknot is a very talented band, anyone stating that they are "the best" probably needs a foot in their ass. No one band can be the best at any genre, because all people have different tastes, and while I personally love every cd they've put out since their self-titled, you may only like Iowa, or think Murderdolls is better, or just not like Slipknot. That's fine. But you dont aquire millions of fans and go platinum by being a piece of shit, and there's figures floating around the net to prove that Slipknot doesn't suck. They're decent. You dont have to like them, but at least respect them. Music is just a way to tell a story, explain a lesson, relate feelings... it's not the way the story is told, but the story itself.

As for the rest of you Slipknot fans...STAY (sic) MUTHAFUCKASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Listen to Slipknot's 9.0 Live cd...i swear to all that is good and kind your blood will be pumping and you'll want to headbang and jump the fuck around like you just lost your mind.

by ihax0rdyourhymen August 23, 2008

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Slipknot - The Band.

I was reading through the definitions people wrote, and 99% of them obvisoly know nothing about them. The proberly heard a few songs or saw a video for them and quickly went on the internet to cry about somthing that was diffrent!!

Slipknot is a 9 man band (all though there is no need for some of them) But the fact they are there they can put on some of the best live perfomance ever.

I read in one bit on this site that the drums suck, that shocked me alot, Joey is one on the top drummers in the metal scene. People say that they wear masks beacuse there are scared to show there face, wrong, they do it as again it is another great gimik to get them noticed and it looks good for a live show.

The guitaring in slipknot is great, James and Mick on guitar, and Paul on Bass, pull of some chunky and heavy songs. Then add all this with coreys vocals makes it one great band.

Now before you go 'waaa a fan boy wrote this' this style of music is not my fav, i prefer death metal or grindcore, but i also liten to all varites of music, from Bob Dylan to Cannibal Corpse.

Now I Wait And Bleed.

by RuffRat August 25, 2005

106๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A 9-piece Nu-Metal/Industrial band from Des Moines, Iowa. Often called "sellouts" and the like. I personally quite like them. They aren't my favourite band, Children of Bodom or Dimmu Borgir is, but hey.
Whatever people say, they don't suck. Joey is an amazing drummer and Corey is a fairly good vocalist, although his voice has deteriorated. Mick and James (No.s 6 and 7) the guitarists are also good. They aren't like your average nu-metal band who always play about five drop-D power chords every song. No. Listen to some of the solos on Vol. 3. They may not be the best, but they are good.

To the lovers: Slipknot are not death metal. If you want that, listen to Deicide or Cannibal Corpse. Nor are they the best band in the world. No band is, it's all down to opinion. Also, calm down and stop insulting other people's music... It's really annoying...

To the haters: Slipknot don't suck. They didn't sell out. They aren't about money either. They were all playing in local bands for years before they made it big with Slipknot.


Hater: Slipknot are sell-outs, posers and fags... (Note that they have no reason for saying this other that "'coz they are.")

by Dimmu September 5, 2006

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A rock band that consists of 9 members. Their genre has been endlessly debated ever since their S/T album. Fans (icluding myself) are called maggots by the band and usually call Slipknot simply heavy metal and/or hardcore while so-called "true metalheads" (who themselves are often extreme-metal fans and appear to hate just about any form of mainstream metal and/or rock) call Slipknot nu-metal and/or non-metal. Slipknot refer to themselves as simply metal. "True" Goths and "true metalheads" often bash Slipknot. Some people even go so far as to say Slipknot is untalented which I could say about probably half of the bands or music groups that they listen to. People often say Slipknot fans (or maggots) are musically-tasteless mallcore kids, but some fans are just normal teenagers that happen to like Slipknot's music. Also, detractors of Slipknot's music will say all that it is is screaming, even though they've never even listened to Slipknot's music themselves. Slipknot also has a lot of talent. Corey Taylor's vocals can range from aggresive screaming to melodic singing. Joey Jordison is one of the fastest drummers on Earth (or at least in the US.) Slipknot is a really great band overall. Of course, if you're some stupid-fuck that claims Slipknot sucks and yet you haven't listened to any of their music, or you can't handle aggresive music than I guess Slipknot isn't for you and you aren't Slipknot-worthy. Some of the fans also claim to be true maggots but actually have only heard of their more popular songs (i.e. Duality, Wait and Bleed) and claim to be fans only because they wear Slipknot T-Shirts and hoodies.

Slipknot hater: Aw, man, Slipknot sucks! All they do is scream and worship satan and they suck and got no talent, man! They are wannabe-metal and wannabe-goth, man! And all their fans are poseurs!
Maggot: You asswipe! You haven't even heard of any of their songs, have you? Also, true fans don't have to dress a certain way nor should they care whether Slipknot is metal or not! So fuck off!
Slipknot hater: Uh, I think I heard like uh this one song by them, like uh... Hot in Herre or something like that
Maggot: That's Nelly, dumbass! I'm gonna play one of their albums. Hmm... I think I'll play Iowa!
Slipknot hater: Agghh! My ears! Can't-stand-good-music! Must-listen-to pop, rap, emo, and R & B crap that floods the radio stations and MTV!!!! Agggh!

by ilikepie714 August 26, 2006

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Arguably the most mallcore pseudo-metal (not nu, children, because that implies mainstream metal, whereas Slipknot is rock) band on the planet. Essentially talentless, this Iowa-based hard rock band incorporates a NEW N XTREME(!!1) approach to music by consisting of an unconventional 9 members, attempting to cover up their all-around mediocrity. The instrumentals are typically poorly done but blended well with all the rest, the drumming being as weak as the lyrics, and Corey (the vocalist) can often be heard panting in between shouts due to his dismal lack of physical fitness. On the topic of genres, Slipknot is often incorrectly labeled a metal band because their instrumentals and vocals do not resemble that of Tom Petty, and their mask gimmick was stolen from GWAR, a joke metal band that really isn't that bad. Synonymous with "poser", "mallgoth", "faggotry" and a number of other unsavory words that are more or less implied.

Chris to friend: Yeah, I just pre-ordered a copy of Aes Dana - Formors from Oaken Shield.
Friend: The shipping on that's a bitch. Goddamned intercontinental...
Chris: *Nods head* It's worth it though. They're a fucking amazing black metal ba--

by Chris Zewe September 6, 2005

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