Source Code


As a default this word can be look at in its base components,

To hit, or physically abuse
Slang, Cocain, a drung know to cause brain damnage

Re: Retard(ed)
Slowed down,
To be slow of thought,

Smacktard is generally an internet phrase use to insult peoples speed of thought, trying to avoid misrepresentations of physically handicaped people, implying that either hard drugs, or repeated attacks to the head are more likly to be the cause.

"Stop being a smacktard and listen"
"Hey, smacktard, stop trying to hit me, AND HIT ME"

by FlashΒΉΒ³ Egis-Minsky October 6, 2004

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An idiot or moron that needs to be beaten senseless. Derived from "smack" and "retard". A step above asshat.

Hitler was a smacktard.

by deadzombie August 13, 2004

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1 - n. the implication of smacktardism/being a smacktard.

2 - n. one who ruin's other's fun by being immature.
example: "SupaBum47 is using a headshot bot, the smacktard."

3 - one who writes dictionary definitions for fun.
example: "Burton Earny just defined the word 'smacktard' in six ways. What a smacktard."

4 - n. one who haslost too much of one's intelligence quotient.

5 - n. an object of great dislike to an individual.
example: "This website claims to be a dictionary, but includes slang words like 'smacktard'. What a smacktard of a site."

6 - n. one who uses incorect speling in a dicshunary definishon.

see above for examples relevent to definitions

by Burton Earny February 15, 2004

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A person bent on destroying your fun, also known as a Blink 182 fan. They should be pitied for their incompetence and taken to a proper facility to be re-introduced into society as a steel worker.

Wow, you were smacked t'hard as a kid.
i like peanuts. Hahaha.

by Bob the Magician June 8, 2004

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A smacked retard that should never be online. Smacktards usually participate in such activities as blowing up his own team killing himself repeatedly etc. In real life smacktards conceal their nature but can easily be sniffed out with some lysol. If a smacktard is seen online he should be shot repeatedly in the head before he can do any damage.

"HEY SMACKTARD!!! (fired shots at head)"
"Yo smacktard you're on the BLUE team idiot!"
"Fuck we lost again. Let's go massacre the smacktard.It's his fault."

by Crutchcricket February 17, 2004

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Noun. A derivation of the word "Smackhead" (which denotes a heroin addict). Someone who is such a worthless bastard or idiot that they might as well be a full-on heroin junkie. This did not, as most of the current definitions suggest, originate from internet gaming, because it has been in use for the last 10 years or more. The author of this definition recalls using as well as hearing the word circa 1992.

"If you think this word originated from Battlefield '42, you're more of a smacktard than I thought."

by Erik Jacobson May 20, 2005

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Someone who is addicted to smack and is mentally retarded.

Man that fuckwit is fuckin smacktard.

by DiDwE September 23, 2008

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