When you do a line of cocaine off of a man’s genitals and give him a blow job afterwards.
That night, I got the snow and blow from a random girl I met in Vegas.
The candain sex act in which you get screwed by your two best friends.
Caitlin and Scott sneaky snow blowed Austin.
snow blow is slang for cocaine. most people who do a lot of coke call it "snow blow"
Tyrone: I'm snorting that coke
Jamar: im detroit we call it snow blow
When you sell another house on February 28th.
Happy National Snow Day Blow Day!
SnowDayBLOWday 49
Online 25 months ago 1322 feet away
When a girl snorts cocaine off of a man's erect penis and then proceeds to give him a blow job.
"Yo man, that Delta Nu gave me a snow 'n blow last night. It was sick." - random frat boy