Often performaned with the aid of mounted handles, the male gets into a standing or elevated faetal position creating a 'V' by bringing his knees into his chest. A second person will then pull down on the man's erect penis to mimic a soft serve ice cream machine. As this is done a loose or soft stool is produced onto a a third party waiting below.
I had chilli for lunch yesterday so when Karen came over I had her Soft-Serve me into Karl's open mouth
A hardcore diss, when a man acts like a little bitch showing you he cannot get his dick up or keep it up for long.
I see that guy constantly slut shaming women, he's really giving soft serve energy.
The type of soft person who is most likely responsible for so many “anti-bullying” rules in the Terms & Conditions portion of any Internet service. Usually over-sensitive and doesn’t deserve access to the internet if their feelings get hurt that easily.
Can also be used as a verb to mean that something caters to extremely sensitive people.
“Dude, YouTube is getting rid of dislikes to promote mental health”
“I wanna meet the soft-serves who would kill themselves over a programmed number on a screen”
When a guy does a reverse head stand against the wall and jerks off onto his chest and face.
Kelly’s mom walked in on him as he was soft serving himself.
The act of having horrible fire ass, and spilling out what appears to be a delicoius chocolate twisty.
I drank highlife 40's last night till 3 am.. Got up this morning , tried to fart, and filled my boxers like a waffle cone and softserve!
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when someone gets pleasure by either shitting in someones mouth or recieving shit in thier own mouth during sex.
Give me a soft-serve in my mouth.
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The sexual act of defecating a malleable stool into your partners mouth.
Dude, last night I had spicy chili for dinner and for desert I gave my girlfriend a chocolate soft serve in bed.
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