When your day ends with something VERY unexpected. This event doesn't have to be tragic, but it can be.
Named for the fact that a large portion of Kevin Spacey's movies have a surprise ending, such as Se7en, KPAX, American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, and Pay it Forward.
I took my girlfriend to a nice picnic in the park at sunset, followed by a late movie, then we went back to my place and made love for hours. I awoke to a breakup letter lying on the pillow. What a Spacey Ending!
Young male that is hit on and actively pursued for a little male on male sex.
This bar is full of Spacey cadets.
This acting class is great. But I donβt want to be a spacey cadet.
1. An insult directed towards anyone who justifies or diverts from their bad behaviour by bringing up their sexual orientation. The bad behaviour is usually of a sexual nature such as groping or child molesting, and a negative stereotype towards those of a particular sexual orientation. However, it can also be used for non-sexual bad behaviours as well such as speeding or kicking a dog.
2. Someone who is Kevin Spaceying.
Police: Sir how fast did you think you were going when you drove through that stop sign?
Vitaly: I'm gay.
Police: Listen here Kevin Spacey. One more outburst out of you and I'll ram a speeding ticket up your asshole and out of your STD-infected mouth.
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Verb; to have a Kevin Spacey.
When the highlight of your day really was masturbating in the shower.
Aw, man. I fell asleep in a meeting with the director today, I so don't know how I didn't get sacked. It was a total Kevin Spacey.
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Sexually harassing a 14-year-old and then using your sexuality as an excuse.
Don't be like Kevin Spacey.
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This is a nickname for a person with the name of casey who is... well lets say odd. Thus they are typically a dumb shit who often loses train of thought, and cannot focus on anything for more than 6-seconds. If you were to see a "spacey casey" in the wild or even converse with one, you may hear the word "what" several times, and the phrase "i forgot" several times. With that in mind most "spacey casey's" make good friends... as they do forget everything. I do happen to know a "spacey casey", and shes a good friend.
Person 1- Hey casey your satan.
Person 2 (spacey casey)- Your so mean. I hate you!
-Next day-
Person 1- Hey casey whats up?
Person 2 (spacey casey)- Nothin, your my bestest friend ever!!!!!!!
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The act of a man sexually assaulting other men while in a work place or a bar and declaring that your gay as a cover up for your misbehavior.
Peter: Man, did you see that guy who would dry hump us at the office every day?
Nate: Yeah, what news about him?
Peter: He pulled out a Kevin Spacey.
Nate: So?
Peter: He's gay!
Nate: So what? He's still a pervert!
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