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When a person does a silly and/or funny action is commonly referred to as a spud.

"Haha you're such a spud John"

by Spudlife October 22, 2017

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An attractive special ed kid, a stud sped, a spud.

Wow Ryan sure is a spud!

by ShyneLovesRats May 17, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Typically used to describe a stupid person, however the they're just hiding the doctor spudnik from you. dont trust 'em

p1 : yo your stupid af u spud
p2 : nah why u buying into that conspiracy. DOCTOR SPUDNIK IS REAL

by TheBananananananannanana July 15, 2020

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If someone gets a haircut that is considered bad they may be considered a spud as in they’re haircut is so bad they are ultimately compared to a potato

James: sometimes i just feel like i look like a bit of a spud.
Adam: (sarcastically) whaaaaaat no way

by no.u.fam October 12, 2018

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It is a colloquial term for Potato. Widely used in England and the west country....and Wales.

I like spuds.
"Edward would you care for some spuds with your ale?"

by Tetley's March 1, 2005

12πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A slang term for an Irishman.

"The pub was packed with a crowd of drunken rowdy spuds."

by Gusberti O'Reilly June 2, 2009

17πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


a person who originates from the Canadian province P.E.I (Prince Edward Island), well known for it's potatoes.

"Yo, where are you from?"
"Ohh a spudster!"

by Paul Westcott September 13, 2005

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž