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Serc from TDK

Serc is one of the kind admins in tdk, He is helpful funny well-trained admin you will ever see give him a task he will do it best at it but sometimes he can get pissed off sometimes. serc from TDK Is one of the powerful admins in tdk come at him he bans yo ass

Serc From TDK
HUMAN1: Hey is that serc one of the best admins

HUMAN3: bro don't fuck with him he can get pissed off easily and slide the ban towards yo way mfs

by Kekeoserc October 18, 2020

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Elite from TDK

A admin from the server TDK
He wanted me to do this for him so idk what to put here
I think hes high sometimes
hes very cool

Elite From TDK Is sooooooooooooooo COOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL. arewgv awyui gvuawieg

by big booty lationa October 16, 2020

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envy from tdk

Envy from TDK

Professional osu! player
Pulls infinite females
Discord Admin
Awesome person af

yo, is that envy from tdk?
Yeah. it is smh

by encncndndn December 6, 2020

Darky Boi from TDK

A really chill person who somehow doesn’t have mod yet (although he should). Created “Korpy Bot”. Lewis’s dad and Jxck’s simp.

Person 1: Who’s Darky Boi from TDk?
Person 2: He’s pretty chill, just don’t get on his bad side. He should have mod though.
Person 1: Darky sounds like the type of person you’d like to be with.

Darky Boi: Mod when tho.

by Not Darky Boi November 23, 2020

TDK Xbox Clan

TDK also known as Tiny Dark Kittins is a clan on xbox live that consist of mostly Mexicans, fat girls, and gay middle aged men named Mike. They love playing Skyrim and Phantasy Star Universe.

Me: "What Clan are you in on Xbox Live?"
Adrian: "I'm rolling with TDK Xbox Clan, the Tiny Dark Kittins!"
Me: "Thats so cool."

by Kiang's mother December 9, 2011


A shortening for a Turkish corporation called TĂĽrk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Corporation). It works for creating new Turkish words instead of using foreign words like tren(train),abajur(lampshade) etc.

TDK'nın alternatif kelimesine yeni bir alternatif çıkardığını öğrendim. Ay,pardon.
I learned that TDK has created a new alternative for the word "alternative". Oops,sorry.

by porcayist June 14, 2018


Best dank memer server, literally best tags and giveaways and and moderation system OP, raiders cries trying to raid LOL

Person: TDK best server
Everyone: Agreed

by Zocrous October 16, 2020