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Acronym for Transcendent Fellowship of Moribund Sesquipedalians.
A highly elite and exclusive group of only 6 members searching for the betterment of one's vocabulary and a chance to miss 30 minutes of english class.
Meets in the library at KWBS.
Password required to enter.

Occasionally considered a sorority, even with 2 male members.

At the beginning of english class, the members of TFMS went to the library.

by thisismylife April 5, 2009

16👍 43👎


typical frat move - used to explain the action of a boy that belongs to a frat...aka sausage parties, drugging innocent girls, spanking, anything involving a keg (empty or full)

so hey, sarah got roofied last night...it was such a tfm

by annie mac March 16, 2006

37👍 158👎


Thinking face meme

Hey look at this new TFM that I found yesterday!

by PapieszPedau June 12, 2017


A guy who likes drawing emos.png

man your like "TFM"

by MrBrainMatter May 23, 2022