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when something is just too much to handle, almost to the point of euphoria.

The peppers were so rich my knees buckled a little.

by rrrrriiiiiiccccchhhhhhh November 24, 2014

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name Rich is a boy who is smart and is a person who can't stop helping people on there homework. The name also represents the kid who brags that he can be the new kim jung un

Kim Jung un: "I'm dying we need a new leader who will take my position"
Slave: " its ok you can die we have Rich"

by racerx1295 January 3, 2018


That little gremlin from Be More Chill.

Rich set a fire, and he burned down the house.

by Xxzzcc July 11, 2018


A grunt from madness combat very funny

Idiot1:what didots name is rich
Rich:i will stab you

by triKurrDurr August 7, 2021


To violently throttle

Nick, do you wanna get riched?

by originalriche December 18, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


First off, If you're black theres a very slim liklihood you are 'rich' so don't even front. Being rich is having more than you can dream of. Being rich is having a hell of a lot more than your peers and more expensive stuff too. You can chose to show this stuff off or save up the money but I would splurge a little just to show everyone you do have a lot of money but save most of it.

Poorer people seem to get jealous of the richer because they cant afford as nice things. Rich people can either make their fortunes through hard work, stock market or striking it rich. They can be inheritors or lottery winners or moguls or they can just have a really good job.

Many people get envious when they find out they cant ever and will never have as much money as me. What can I say? I'm one of the lucky ones financially and you aren't.

Poor man sonny envied the wealthier peers because he realized he would never have anything close so instead of making something of himself he whined and cried and layed on his poor sorry ass which resulted in nothing.

Michaels stomach dropped when he realized how far behind in life he was compared to his richer and younger peer. 'Oh no' he realized, i'm so uneducated and moneyless. Better do something crazy.

by GoldHill March 10, 2008

412๐Ÿ‘ 408๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who has successfully avoided paying taxes

Poor Person: How do you become rich?

Rich Person: Find a way to trick the tax collectors.

by persononinternet January 1, 2010

46๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž