Source Code

beat the bartender

A drinking game that is guaranteed to get you very drunk very fast!

The steps are very simple :
1 The drinker approaches the bar and orders a shot
drink (whiskey, bourbon, vodka, beer, etc..).
2 The drinker pays for the drink with too much money
(i.e. hand over a $5-bill for a $2 drink).
3 As the barman goes away to get change, the drinker
finishes your drink
4 When the barman returns with the change, go to step
number 1.

The game ends in a number of possible ways:

- drinker falls over (Result: Bar wins).
- barman punches drinker's lights out (Result: Draw).
- drinker gets thrown out (Result: Draw).
- bar closes (Result: Drinker wins).

person 1: "whoa man you look rough"
person 2: "yeah man i got fucking wrecked last night attempting to beat the bartender"

by greaver05 March 5, 2011

Guest Bartender

Someone who is bartending for an establishment at which they are not employed.

Erika is going to be the guest bartender at the Well tonight. And tomorrow.

by Jordan Roberts April 24, 2006

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Bartender's dozen

A grouping of 15 items. Just as a baker's dozen is 13, a bartender's dozen is 15.

Its Friday night and we ran out of limes, can you run to the store and pick up a bartender's dozen?

by NickDeNofa June 28, 2016

holy bartender

a really good drink.

as seen in Dogma by Kevin Smith.
At the bar:
(barkeep doesn't know how to make a Holy Bartender)
Azrael to group: Anyone who knows how to make a Holy Bartender?
Hm. Well I do.
(shoots bartender with uzi)

by scornflakes October 9, 2005

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Louisville Bartender

1.) Being cock blocked by a Bartender while you are attempting to get a number or go home with a hot chick at the bar.

2.) When you're macking on a really hot chick at a bar and then she goes home with the bartender instead of you.

1) Dude, I was spitting game on this tall blonde at Sports and I got the Louisville Bartender. She just talked to him the rest of the night. That guy was an asshole!

2) I was chatting up this girl and grabbed her ass. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was gone, and so was the bartender. I totally got the Louisville Bartender.

by Dr. Whom October 6, 2011

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360 Bartender

A bartender who's head is on a swivel and keeps your drink(s) refreshed without hesitation. Generally hard to find, especially at singles bars where the bar keep is more interested in scoring than earning a gratuity.

That dude was a 360 bartender. I never had to ask him for anything, and neither did anyone else. He was Johnny on the Spot, and even slid me a free beer after my fourth round with subsequent tips. Bravo!

by Lord Bismarck November 18, 2011

Bartender Tommy

That dude to be dude friends with! And it’s not a joke at all. Make bartending is legit what you should inspire to be. That name has grabbed more ladies, and woke up next to ones I only dreamed about. How? Who knows, he’s the shit and you will know what I mean. Once you watch the girls, watch him, while watching him mix up drinks.

I wish I was as attractive and had the confidence, to talk to women like Bartender Tommy can!

by A Westfield wishful August 3, 2018

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