Female Rage. That's it. All women have these, you just need to go get them, re-discover them, at some point you better go get your black pearls, fasten them gently around your neck, and let's fucking go. Black pearls is a representation of female rage. Get it, instead of clutching your iridescent mother-of-pearl Stepford pearls, you are going goth, you are resisting. Non-conformity. A subtle threat against the enabler establishment and predominant male-dominated paradigm.
Kitty (Musician): "Under the trees, I found a box of black pearls. I couldn't believe that it could change our known world. Under the stars one night I opened it up the box and your voice remembering who tf she is; a dark force came pouring out like old. As silent as the whisper in the wind rage Lonely words were hovering within. If I ever let the darkness come alive rage I swear I wont be turning round. If I ever let the darkness come alive I swear that I wont turn around. We found a perfect system to replace all our worn out sins. Turn around I feel you near.
Entitled Man: Let's go sweetie, we're going to be late for the party where I'm going to ignore you all night, and gently brush another woman's hair by the bonfire and say "wow it IS hot!"
Feminist: I'm just going to grab one more thing
Friend: Don't forget your black pearls