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Canada is a country where college kids go if they live too far from Mexico. It's considered nippy at -20 C, but not quite cold until we hit -40 C.
The term peace is not achieved through fighting but through actual peace. Despite the fact that Canada's military is constantly insulted by our Southern neighbours, some still complain that we don't help them out. A country where "God Bless Canada" is not proclaimed every five minutes because we are aware that not everybody follows one belief.
And the boys are still hot without the beer.

Canada is fun. You should do it too!

by Meg February 7, 2004

498๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž


Our friendly, non-imposing and semi-frozen pal up north.

Traveler: I want to vist Quah-beck!!!
Canadian: It's pronounced Keh-Beck
Traveler: What do you know?
Canadian:I'm from CANADA!

by spacedragonblue September 7, 2005

313๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large North American nation that should not hate the United States, and in turn, the United States should not hate Canada. Our two countries are supposed to be Allies; War of 1812 history be damned. They have fought on our side. For example, they joined the fray during the Korean War (1950-1953)

Why can't the US and Canada just get along? We are brothers, and we should act like we are brothers, too.

by The Midwestrn Soldier February 2, 2005

284๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Large country occupying the northern portion of North America.
The name Canada came from a mis-translation by early explorers of a native word meaning Village.
Large in size but sparsely populated, the country was an integral ally player in WW2, however most of it's forces were decomissioned when hostilities ceased. Canada contributed many very skilled troops and pilots for the european campaign, and were pivotal in the European beach landings.
Economically, Canada contibutes vast amounts of raw resources not least of which are energy products. Northern Alberta has vast oilsands deposits that may contain as much oil as the middle east, and are mostly untapped, meaning there will still be lots of oil, albeit fairly expensive, long after the wells run dry in Saudi Aribia.
Canada has some of the largest unspoiled forrests left in the world.
Canada's primary trading partner is the USA, which shares the longest ungaurded border (figuratively speaking)in the world.
To address all the flamers out there, Canadians and Americans for the most part like each other, except for an embarassingly high number of obnoxious loudmouths on either side of the border.

Explorer: What is this place?
Native: Kanta.
Explorer: Canada, that's what this country is called.
Guide: I think he means the village.
Explorer: Nope, pretty sure he means the country. This place is called Canada.

by KillAllHumans January 14, 2005

142๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


The second largest country in the world is also the most social liberal country in the americas. Canada is commonly used to describe free spirits, amazing sex, amazing weed, and strong available anywhere beer and wine.

Holy shit I went to Canada and lost all my brain cells and sperm!

by vidnool August 19, 2004

609๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž


country that busted its' ass to raise troops in both world wars, supply universal health care, and somehow remain statistically the safest country on Earth to live in.

Canada is a great country and I plan on moving there as soon as I can.

by Shawn E. June 24, 2003

431๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


The largest and lonliest country in the world. Very cold in winter and very hot in summer (depending on where you live--like I said, it's big: one of our provinces is bigger than Europe).
We don't have interesting accents: most people think Canadians sound like Californians, but nobody knows why. We invented basketball and snowmobiles; we have a lot of rocks, trees and maple syrup.
A lot of Canadians like hockey even though lacrosse is the national sport.
And hey--we don't live in igloos. Seriously.
Canada almost never has wars (except sometimes when we help out the US). We like to keep the peace.
It's a bit boring but not a bad place to live.

Not to be confused with America.

And yes, we do have polar bears and Artic tundra and the North Pole around here somewhere. It's exciting, I know.

Canadian: I'm from Ontario
Foreigner: ...
Canadian: It's part of Canada.
Foreigner: Right! So do you know Avril Lavigne?
Canadian: No.
Foreigner: What about Bob, do you know--
Canadian: No. It's a big country.

by Jev3 July 11, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž